约 350,000 个结果
  1. Douglas fir - Wikipedia

    The leaves are flat, soft, linear needles 1.5–4 centimetres (1⁄2 – 11⁄2 in) long, [18] generally resembling those of the firs, occurring singly rather than in fascicles; they completely encircle the branches, which can be useful in recognizing the species.

  2. Douglas Fir - National Wildlife Federation

    Douglas firs are evergreen trees, meaning they keep their needle-like leaves year-round. There are two varieties of this species, coast Douglas fir and Rocky Mountain Douglas fir, which are differentiated by their habitats, growth rates, and physical characteristics.

  3. Douglas-fir Douglas-fir - The Morton Arboretum

    Leaves are evergreen needles, spirally arranged on branches or two-ranked. Blue-green to silvery gray-green, shiny needles have two white bands on underside. Needles smell of camphor when crushed. Monoecious, male flowers are pendulous along …

  4. Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas-fir) description - conifers.org

    2024年12月3日 · Leaves radially inserted but sometimes appearing 2-ranked on shade foliage; 15-30 (-40) × 1.2-1.5 mm, various shades of green (yellow-green to dark-, gray-, or blue-green, usually uniform color on a branch, but adjacent branches on the same tree can have markedly different color), apex obtuse to acute. Pollen cones 15-20 mm long, yellow-red.

  5. Douglas-fir is adapted to a wide variety of soils in terms of texture, but reaches its best development on clay loams, silty clay loams, and silt loams which are deep, moist, and well drained.

  6. Most conifers (cone bearing plants) have characteristic leaf shape and arrangement that allow them to be quickly identified to the genus level. The Pinaceae family contains members such as pine, spruce, fir, and Douglas fir. This family has the classic needle-shaped leaves you think of when you think of Conifers (i.e., pine needles).


    Leaves are evergreen needles, spirally arranged on branches. Blue-green to silvery gray-green, shiny, 2 white bands on the underside of needles. Its cones are oblong, 3" to 4" long with conspicuous 3-pointed bracts protruding between scales. The cones will mature in one year. Where it grows: Grows best in moist, well-drained soils in full sun.

  8. Douglas-fir | Forestry | Extension | USU

    Information about Douglas-fir leaves, twigs, buds, flowers, fruit, bark, wood, and landscape uses of Douglas-fir trees. Pictures of Douglas-fir are included. Forestry extension at Utah State University.

  9. Fir, Douglas ( Pseudotsuga menziesii ) - Woodland Trust

    Its needle-like leaves are green with white stripes on the underside. Douglas fir is native to North America but was brought to the UK in 1827. Its timber is used to make decking, flooring and furniture. Common names: Douglas fir, Douglas-fir, Oregon pine, Columbian pine. Scientific name: Pseudotsuga menziesii. Family: Pinaceae. Origin: non-native.

  10. Douglas Fir - CALS

    Douglas fir needles (leaves) are dark yellow-green, have a deeply grooved upper surface, two light lines on the lower surface, persist for two to three years, and are twisted at the base, giving a two-ranked appearance on the twigs.