Donkey Kong, also shortened to DK, is a fictional gorilla-like character in the Donkey Kong and Mario franchise, created by Shigeru Miyamoto. The original Donkey Kong first appeared as the title character and antagonist of the eponymous 1981 game, a platformer by Nintendo, which would lead to the Donkey Kong series.
This category contains all of the characters from the Donkey Kong. User blog:Joey!/Desperately seeking Sample episode ideas for DKC cartoon. (INSERT IDEAS HERE) Master Necky Snr. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
Donkey Kong, also known as DK, is a male gorilla. The first character named Donkey Kong is introduced in the original 1981 arcade game as the computer-controlled antagonist who abducts Pauline. [10] . The player must take the role of Mario and rescue her. Donkey Kong is held captive by Mario in Donkey Kong Jr.
Donkey Kong, also known as DK, or rarely D. Kong, Donkey, or Kong, is a major character in the Super Mario franchise and the main protagonist of the Donkey Kong franchise. He is a powerful and carefree Kong who lives in Donkey Kong Island, and he...
Donkey Kong[a] is a video game series and media franchise created by the Japanese game designer Shigeru Miyamoto for Nintendo. It follows the adventures of Donkey Kong, a large, powerful gorilla, and other members of the Kong family of apes.
Donkey Kong, Donkey or DK for short, is the main protagonist of the Donkey Kong series; the laid-back, stubborn, yet trustworthy hero of Donkey Kong Island and the leader of the Kong Family.
Donkey Kong (sometimes abbreviated as DK) is a video game character and icon who was introduced in the arcade classic game Donkey Kong as a villain in 1981. He was originally created by Shigeru Miyamoto alongside Mario and Pauline.