html - Why are the font sizes different - Stack Overflow
Aug 23, 2011 · The font sizes are different because the browser programmers make different assumptions about the normal user's system. There's nothing wrong with that, and this is also why you should not use px to set the font size. On a computer with a high-resolution screen, your font will be too small. Certainly 10px will be unreadable on many people's ...
how to have text of 2 font sizes in same line in HTML?
Mar 25, 2014 · I am developing a front end HTML page using bootstrap and basic HTML code. I need to print price of a particular product say $63. I want this to be in same line but the size of $ needs to be smalle...
css different font sizes on different families - Stack Overflow
Apr 1, 2014 · where font1 is an embedded eot/ttf font, but the problem is that this font is smaller than the other fonts so I want to have a different font-size (1.8em) for this font (font1). All other fonts (font2, font3) stay untouched.
How to vertically align 2 different sizes of text?
I know to vertically align text to the middle of a block, you set the line-height to the same height of the block. However, if I have a sentence with a word in the middle, that is 2em. If the entire
html - How to make two different font sizes sit on one line using ...
Feb 22, 2014 · Im new to both front end-dev and unsemantic. Im trying to get two different font sizes to sit on the same line. But conventional methods don't seem to work. I tried vertical-align: "bottom;" but that didn't cut it. This is what it currently looks like I'm sorry I couldnt use jsfiddle to show you, using unsemantics means it didn't show properly
How to set two different font sizes in the same <p>
Two different font sizes one line css. 2. Defining different font size for same element. 0.
Align different font-sizes on same baseline - Stack Overflow
Jan 25, 2018 · I want to align texts with different font-sizes on the same baseline. "LOREM IPSUM SED" should be on same line as "sEa tAkImAtA SaNcTuS EsT LoReM Ip" and the same with "SED NONUMY INVIDUNT UT" and "nO SeA TaKiMaTa sAnCtUs eSt" I've already tried this which didn't worked: Aligning different font sizes on the same line of text so it looks nice?
html - Having different font sizes in a sentence - Stack Overflow
May 11, 2015 · How to set two different font sizes in the same <p> 2. Defining different font size for same element. 0.
Different font sizes for different screen sizes - Stack Overflow
Jun 30, 2012 · sp Scale-independent Pixels - this is like the dp unit, but it is also scaled by the user's font size preference. It is recommend you use this unit when specifying font sizes, so they will be adjusted for both the screen density and the user's preference.
How to align two different font-sizes next to each other?
Jan 24, 2012 · How do I align two different-sized fonts next to each other so that the smaller text is centered vertically with the larger text?