comparing it against/with - WordReference Forums
2014年5月17日 · The following is from an English exercise given by my son's teacher. 40% of lizard species worldwide could be extinct by 2080. Barry Sinerro reached the conclusion by taking current data on Mexican lizards and comparing it against extinction modelling and projected risks worldwide. Can...
comparing with / compared with | WordReference Forums
2008年5月20日 · De acuerdo con Metzli, pero sí se puede usar "cheap" tal como lo tenía Mary Poppins: This type of energy is relatively cheap compared with other types.
comparing with vs compared with | WordReference Forums
2012年9月7日 · I am having a problem understanding the difference between comparing with and compared with. here are the sentences Compared with Classical physics, Modern physics is referred to as quantum physics. Comparing with Classical physics, Modern physics is referred to as quantum physics. thanks
compare A (with / and) B | WordReference Forums
2013年8月7日 · Dn88 is correct. If you were comparing the prices between Tesco stores in London and Tesco stores in Prague to determine whether or not there were variations between the stores within each city, then it would be correct to say "I compared prices in London and Prague" because you are not comparing London prices to Prague prices.
Comparison VS Comparing - WordReference Forums
2018年3月30日 · The meaning of comperison in Longman dictionary The process of compairing two or more people or things. EX: 1) Comparison with his previous movies shows how Lee has developed as a director. 2)İn comparison to other recent video games, this one is not very exciting İn these sentences can I use...
Comparative, superlative: often | WordReference Forums
2011年7月21日 · That's not true. The general rule is that you add -er and -est if the adjective/adverb consists of one syllable (faster, fastest; quicker, quickest; bigger, biggest; fatter, fattest) or is a two-syllable adjective ending in y (happier, …
comparable to / with | WordReference Forums
2012年6月18日 · "Comparable TO" is intended to be used when there is a likeness between the entities mentioned. "This model's specification is comparable to this more expensive model's.""Comparing WITH" is when you are alluding to or are …
indicate the cohort against which you are assessing the applicant
2019年11月25日 · If you say on the form "I think Fred is a very good candidate", you are inevitably comparing Fred to somebody else or some other people, and you are probably not comparing him to the children at your child's infant school!
The most intelligent or the more intelligent - WordReference Forums
2020年3月28日 · Hello everyone! I have a question today about comparatives and superlatives: If I'm comparing more than two different things or people, I am supposed to use "the most". e.g. My three friends at school are very intelligent, but X is the most intelligent. However, if I am comparing just two...
Comparative, superlative: clever - WordReference Forums
2006年4月16日 · This is a tough one. Here is yet another site, with a few more variations. I think that the "more/most" option is safe (not incorrect) for almost all 2-syllable adjectives and some with only one.