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Clairseach: the Gaelic harp
Cláirseach – Early Irish and Wirestrung Harps | Ériú Harps
What is a Clarsach? - The Clarsach Society
The earliest depictions of the instrument can be found on Pictish stones, dating back to the 8th century. It came in two different forms: the earlier Pictish harp, strung with gut or horsehair; and the Gaelic clàrsach, strung with wire.. The …
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WireStrung Harp, the Clarsach
Celtic Harp Instrument Page: The Heavenly Instrument …
2015年10月6日 · Learn about the Celtic harp, also known as clairseach, clarsach or telyn, a triangular wire-strung instrument native to Ireland, Wales, Scotland and Brittany. Discover its origins, variations, techniques and famous performers.
Magical Music: The Celtic Harp - The Irish Place
2016年9月27日 · Learn about the Celtic harp, also known as the clairseach in Ireland, a wire-strung instrument with a rich and ancient heritage. Discover its origins, styles, and some of the most famous players of this evocative emblem …
Celtic Wiki | Celtic Harp - Celtic Musik
Irish harp | Celtic, Folk & Traditional | Britannica
Irish harp, traditional harp of medieval Ireland and Scotland, characterized by a huge soundbox carved from a solid block of wood; a heavy, curved neck; and a deeply outcurved forepillar—a form shared by the medieval Scottish harp.It …