Health plan categories: Bronze, Silver, Gold & Platinum
Marketplace plans are put into 4 categories (or "metal levels"): Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Catastrophic plans are a 5th category available to people under 30 and some people with limited incomes.
Understanding Metal Levels and Marketplace Insurance | Anthem
The Health Insurance Marketplace provides health plans in four "metal" tiers: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Discover which tier best fits your needs at Anthem.
Gold, Silver, Bronze Insurance: Which Level Is Best For You?
2024年2月27日 · Move to a Platinum plan—which has the highest premiums and lowest out-of-pocket costs—and the insurer pays 90% of the costs for care while the patient pays 10%. On the surface, you may think the...
Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Health Plans
For example, the top-of-the-line plan is Platinum. It pays the highest portion of your health care bills (90%). It also costs the most. The most basic plan is Bronze. It pays 60% of your health care bills and costs the least. Check out the chart below to …
Choosing Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum Health Plans - Investopedia
2023年1月24日 · Regardless of where you live, all plans in the Marketplace are separated into four “metallic” levels—Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. The levels are based on how you and the plan can...
What’s the Difference Between Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum …
The metal tiers are Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum, and they’re the same tiers used in individual health insurance plans. This article will explain the difference between the four insurance tiers so you can make a more informed choice when offering your team health benefits. What do the health insurance metal levels mean?
ACA Tiers of Coverage: The Four ‘Metal’ Tiers of ACA - GoodRx
2024年10月31日 · ACA health insurance plans are organized into four metal categories: bronze, silver, gold, and platinum. Each metal tier represents how you will split the costs of care with your plan. With bronze plans, you pay the least in premiums and the most when you need care.
Bronze, Silver, Gold & Platinum Health Plan Values - Verywell …
2023年11月26日 · Under the Affordable Care Act, all individual and small group health plans with effective dates of 2014 or later have to fit into one of four categories: bronze, silver, gold, or platinum (there's an exception for catastrophic plans sold in the individual market). The metal tier tells you the actuarial value of the health plan.
What Are Health Insurance Metal Levels? - HealthCareInsider.com
2024年7月16日 · Marketplace plans are categorized by metallic tier 1 — bronze, silver, gold, and platinum — based on plan value and cost. How much you pay each month in premiums and as a share of the care you receive, through deductibles 2 and coinsurance, 3 varies by tier. The higher the tier (gold or platinum), the more you typically pay each month in premiums.
ACA Metal Levels Explained: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum
The metal levels—Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum—differ primarily in how healthcare costs are shared between you and the insurance company. Bronze plans have the lowest premiums but highest out-of-pocket costs, while Platinum plans offer the opposite.