Boeing X-32 - Wikipedia
The Boeing X-32 is a concept demonstrator aircraft that was designed for the Joint Strike Fighter competition. It lost to the Lockheed Martin X-35 demonstrator, which was further developed into the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II .
X-32技术验证机 - 百度百科
X-32技术验证机,是波音公司为了获得美国军方 JSF联合攻击战斗机 项目而推出的样机,通常情况下,战斗机的原型机是不能进入X系列试验飞行器计划的,但鉴于 X-32 和 X-35 在设计中都将尝试一种新颖的而且风险极大的“短距起飞和垂直降落”技术,所以破例为它们都赋予了“X”的编号。 波音公司 联合了 麦克唐纳·道格拉斯公司,共同研制JSF的概念验证机X-32,如今,这两家公司已经合并。 JSF是美国20世纪最后一个重大的军用飞机研制和采购项目。 JSF被定位为低成本的武 …
X-32’s Test Pilot On Why It Lost To What Became The F-35 - The …
2022年2月4日 · Ultimately, the X-32’s chief test pilot said he thinks Boeing’s final production design would have met the JSF program’s performance requirements just fine, unlike the flight test demonstrator that relied on borrowed concepts. A full scale test article for Boeing’s X-32 design undergoes trials in a test chamber., Boeing
X-32验证机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
X-32 (英语:Boeing X-32)实验机是由美國 波音公司 設計,競標 聯合打擊戰鬥機計劃 (英语:Joint Strike Fighter Program,JSF)的機型。 美國空軍於2001年10月26日宣布 洛克希德·馬丁公司 X-35 獲選優勝,並以其為基礎開發出 F-35閃電II式戰鬥機 (Lightning II)。 X-32一共只有生產兩架原型機,目前都已經不再飛行。 X-32设计方案中有一个翼身融合复合材料三角机翼,为了降低制造成本采用了单块式结构。 位於机头下方的缝式进气口經常被人批評。 經過各階段試驗 …
Boeing X-32A > National Museum of the United States Air …
The Boeing X-32 was a multi-purpose jet fighter in the Joint Strike Fighter contest. It lost to the Lockheed Martin X-35 demonstrator, which was further developed into the F-35 Lightning II. In September 2000 the X-32A made its first flight, and it made a total of 66 flights during four months of testing.(U.S. Air Force photo by Ken LaRock)
波音X-32系列战机 - 百度百科
x-32b的动力装置是普拉特·惠特尼公司提供的f119-614发动机,首次试飞的飞行高度为10000英尺,平均时速超过200英里,能进行超音速飞行;x-32b具有出色的短距离垂直起降能力,因此可以在条件极为简陋的简易机场或者航空母舰上起降;x-32b装有空中受油管 ...
Everything You Need To Know About The Boeing X-32: The …
2023年10月24日 · Boeing’s X-32 was a competitor to the F-35 in the Joint Strike Fighter program but lost the contract to Lockheed Martin’s design. Boeing considered the JSF program a strategic investment that led to stealth technology and design advancements.
X-32: Boeing's Jet Fighter Prototype Lost Out to the Lockheed …
2023年12月26日 · Many unusual-looking aircraft have been developed over the years, but none are as ugly as the Boeing X-32. Designed as part of the Joint Strike Fighter program in the mid-1990s, the fighter ultimately lost out to a prototype submitted by Lockheed Martin, which became the famed F-35 Lightning II.
Boeing X-32 JSF (Joint Stike Fighter) - Military Factory
2016年4月25日 · The Boeing X-32 was a prototype aircraft developed for the US military's Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program. The Boeing submission faced off against the Lockheed X-35 which went on to win the lucrative defense contract, leaving the X …
Aerospaceweb.org | Aircraft Museum - X-32
2009年9月26日 · As with the competing Lockheed Martin X-35, Boeing designed three variants of the X-32 for evaluation. The conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL) X-32A was developed for the US Air Force, the short takeoff and vertical landing (STOVL) X-32B for the US Marine Corps and UK Royal Navy, and the carrier-based (CV) X-32C for the US Navy.