The Big D and Bubba Show is a nationally syndicated radio show airing six days a week on approximately 80 country music FM radio stations. The show is syndicated by Compass Media Networks . Live shows are broadcast from 6 to 10 AM (Eastern Time) Monday through Friday.
— Big D & Bubba interview the hottest country artists and celebrities. “We’re of the belief the best talent wins no matter if it’s local or syndicated. Big D & Bubba are some of the best talent in morning Country radio, and we have a nice relationship with Compass Media.
Stream Big D & Bubba free online. You never know what to expect next from these two guys... it's like eavesdropping on your brother and his best friend getting in and out of whatever kinda trouble that they can.
Big D's Biography I started in radio when I was 14 years old at a 1000-watt Christian radio station in Cookeville, Tenn. By the age of 17, I hosted my first talk show, which led me to doing mornings on an oldies station in the same city.
Big D & Bubba. 377,565 likes · 31,954 talking about this. 5x Radio National Champs Pilots ️ We Love Country Music, America, Cars, Family, Fishing, & the Outdoors Blessed by the Best Big D & Bubba