Bane is a supervillain appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. Created by Chuck Dixon and Graham Nolan, the character first appeared in Batman: Vengeance of Bane …
Bane is an escaped convict from an island prison in South America and a super-villain/assassin. Bane has abnormal physical strength as a result of having undergone experiments involving a …
Bane was the friend and protector of Talia al Ghul and the field commander of the League of Shadows. He was potent in both strategy and physical combat. He defeated the Batman in …
Born in a prison on a remote Caribbean island, Bane was raised without pity or compassion. As an adult, he served as a test subject for the super-steroid called Venom. Superhumanly …
Bane is an international super-criminal who used his intellect and immense strength, enhanced by a drug called Venom, in his furious and violent pursuit for power. He once set his sights on …
Bane is a brilliant world-class fighter and tactical genius who augments his great physical strength with a steroid called Venom. Raised from childhood in the Peña Duro prison on Santa Prisca, …
2019年9月25日 · This masked villain's first appearance came in 1993 with the comic Batman: Vengeance of Bane #1. Since he was a later creation, Bane has only one primary origin story, …