After the release of Bambi II, Brian Pemental, the director of the midquel film Bambi II was hired to direct a third installment in the Bambi franchise. The plot focuses on Bambi's adulthood...
Bambi: The Reckoning is an upcoming British independent horror film directed by Dan Allen, written by Rhys Warrington, and produced by Rhys Frake-Waterfield and Scott Jeffrey. It is the fourth installment in The Twisted Childhood Universe (TCU) and serves as a horror retelling of Felix Salten's Bambi, a Life in the Woods.
Bambi: The Reckoning: Directed by Dan Allen. With Roxanne McKee, Nicola Wright, Samira Mighty, Tom Mulheron. After a mother and son get in a car wreck, they soon become hunted by Bambi, a mutated grief-stricken deer on a deadly rampage …