2019年11月27日 · American Textbook Reading Program for kindergarten and Grade 1 students.American Textbook Reading for English language learners. This series helps …
American Textbook Reading Program for Grade 1 and 2 students. American Textbook Reading for English language learners. This series helps students develop the...
WorldCom Edu Inc. is a publishing company specializing in ELT textbooks and YouTube language learning content for children and students. We are providing a variety of free …
These resources range from support for early learners through explicit skills instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, encoding/decoding, word study, fluency, and spelling to …
Free American English e-books-including classic graded readers, an idiom reference guide, and resources for teachers-are available in .epub (most e-readers and tablets) and .mobi (Kindle …
Thematic units focused on social studies, science, or a literary genre immerse students in high-quality texts and meaningful content that build the prior knowledge needed to be more …