Pathology Outlines - Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma
Oct 5, 2021 · Noninvasive or minimally invasive carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma have exceptionally good prognosis (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1996;81:655)
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Oct 11, 2023 · Majority occur in the sella turcica, originating within the adenohypophysis / anterior pituitary lobe, with variable extension upwards into suprasellar region and into adjacent structures, such as cavernous sinuses, sphenoid sinus and sinonasal mucosa
Pathology Outlines - Follicular adenoma
3 days ago · 3 year old girl with adenochondroma of the thyroid gland (Ear Nose Throat J 2021;100:412S) 12 year old boy with follicular adenoma harboring BRAF K601E mutation (Int J Surg Pathol 2017;25:348)
Pathology Outlines - Pleomorphic adenoma
Feb 1, 2014 · Eye - Lacrimal duct: pleomorphic adenoma. This website is intended for pathologists and laboratory personnel but not for patients.
Pathology Outlines - Parathyroid adenoma
Incidence has increased over the past 50 years due to routine biochemical testing Accounts for over 85% of cases of primary hyperparathyroidism worldwide (N Engl J Med 2011;365:2389)
Pathology Outlines - Adenoma
Jan 11, 2021 · 49 year old woman with intussusception (Case Rep Gastroenterol 2016;10:545) 53 year old man with common bile duct stricture (Cytojournal 2017;14:19)
Pathology Outlines - Adenosis / atypical adenomatous hyperplasia
Apr 15, 2021 · Prostate - Adenosis / atypical adenomatous hyperplasia; well circumscribed, microscopic nodular proliferation of crowded, small to medium glands with pale to clear cytoplasm, a fragmented and discontinuous basal cell layer and minimal atypia
Pathology Outlines - Tubulovillous / villous adenoma
4 days ago · Traditional serrated adenoma: . Exophytic tubulovillous or villous polypoid architecture with at least 2 of 3 constituent features (J Clin Pathol 2016;69:6, BMJ Open Gastroenterol 2019;6:e000317):
Pathology Outlines - Parathyroid tissue
Thyroid gland - Parathyroid tissue within thyroid gland. A primordium of the superior PT glands (derived from 4th branchial pouch) may become trapped within the thyroid as the lateral and medial lobes fuse, resulting in an intrathyroidal superior PT gland (Ann Surg 1976;183:271)
Pathology Outlines - Ductal adenoma
Feb 2, 2024 · A. Ductal adenoma. Ductal adenoma is a benign, well circumscribed adenomatous lesion in a duct surrounded by a densely thickened fibroelastotic wall.