  1. Duel - Wikipedia

    • A duel is an arranged engagement in combat between two people with matched weapons. During the 17th and 18th centuries (and earlier), duels were mostly single combats fought with swords (the rapier and later the small sword), but beginning in the late 18th century in England, duels were more commonly fought using pistols. Fencing and shooting continued to coexi… 展开


    In Western society, the formal concept of a duel developed out of the medieval judicial duel and older pre-Christian … 展开


    The traditional situation that led to a duel often happened after a perceived offense, whether real or imagined, when one party would demand satisfaction from the offender. The demand was commonly symbolized by a… 展开

    Western traditions

    The duel arrived at the end of the 16th century with the influx of Italian honor and courtesy literature – most notably Baldassare Castiglione's Libro del Cortegiano (Book of the Courtier), published in 1528, and … 展开

    Eastern traditions

    Duels or niyuddha were held in ancient India (including modern-day Pakistan and Bangladesh) for various reasons. Many kshatriya considered it shameful to die in bed, and in their old age often arranged for a yuddha-dhan, l… 展开


    • Baldick, Robert. The Duel: A History of Duelling. London: Chapman & Hall, 1965.
    • Banks, Stephen. Duels and Duelling, Oxford: Shire, 2012.
    • Banks, Stephen. A Polite Exchange of Bullets; The Duel and the English Gent… 展开

    Further reading

    Marek Żukow-Karczewski (1987), Pojedynki w dawnej Polsce (Duels in the old Poland), Przekrój, 2204, 17. 展开

  1. A duel is an arranged engagement in combat between two people with matched weapons.
    A duel is an arranged engagement in combat between two people with matched weapons.
    A 'duel' [djuːəl] is a formal fight between two people, often with guns or swords, arranged to settle a quarrel or point of honor.
  2. Duel Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

  3. Duel | History, Rules & Etiquette | Britannica

    2024年12月4日 · duel, a combat between persons, armed with lethal weapons, which is held according to prearranged rules to settle a quarrel or a point of honour. It is an alternative to having recourse to the usual process of justice. …

  4. Dueling Rules - How Duels Work - HowStuffWorks

    2005年6月22日 · Highlights of the rules include the steps of an apology, might call off the duel; proper dueling etiquette in terms of dignified behavior; the role of seconds; and what constitutes the end of a duel.

  5. DUEL中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary

  6. DUEL | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

  7. Dueling Basics - How Duels Work - HowStuffWorks

    2005年6月22日 · Learn about the origins, customs and weapons of dueling, a controlled fight between two men with seconds and rules. Find out how women participated in duels and how they differed from men's duels.

  8. Duel - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  9. duel是什么意思_duel的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸在线词典

  10. Code duello - Wikipedia