What is the difference between "连忙" and "马上"?
2023年2月26日 · 马上 could be used in 祈使句, “马上起来!”, but 连忙 doesn't work since it's only descriptive. 连忙 as the characters suggests, sometimes it shows somebody is busy but got an unexpected incident, assumes he's being careful, humble, prioritizes the following action over what he's previously doing.
meaning - Difference between 马上,立刻,直接 - Chinese …
(马上 )(2)客人们一走,房间里立刻安静下来了。(马上 )(3)演出一结束,礼堂里立刻向起了热烈的掌声。(马上 )(4)老师刚宣布完这个好消息,同学们马上欢呼起来。(立刻 )(5)下课了,教室的走廊上马上热闹起来了。
How long will it take when people say 马上?
2021年9月10日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
What is the difference between 赶紧, 连忙 and 赶快?
2020年7月29日 · 赶紧, 连忙 and 赶快 (in addition to 马上, 立刻 and 立即) seem to mean 'immediately', 'forthwith'. However, I don't really understand where their meanings overlap or if they are somehow different in a particula
"Immediately" 立即, 即時, 立刻, 馬上 etc
2015年6月29日 · cf。"实用汉语近义虚词词典"(定价:45。00元,请查看公共、学校或大学图书馆,check available libraries)立刻(副)/立即(副)(241页)立刻(副)/马上(副)(242页)立刻(副)/顿时(副)/眼看(副)(243-245页)下面仅仅请看关于" 立刻/立即"的条目:[相同]都是副词,在动词前 ...
etymology - Where does 馬上 originate from? - Chinese Language …
马上 as the meaning of immediate or at once are influence from the northern culture where horse is the way of transportation and carrying message to somewhere else. In more traditional or ancient Chinese, 立刻 or 即刻 (meaning at this moment, immediately) are used.
grammar - Why is "连忙" wrong in the following sentence?
2015年3月1日 · 连忙 and 赶忙 cannot be used in the imperative, although 立刻, 马上 (and also 赶快 and 赶紧) can. Technically, 连忙, 赶忙 denote something that happens fast (now), while 立刻, 马上 denote something that is about to happen (soon). See 连忙 as present tense, and 马上 as the future tense, if you will.
phrase - Precise meaning of 马到成功 - Chinese Language Stack …
2021年7月19日 · 马上 is a compound which means "immediately" which is "faster / speedier" than 马到 which just means quick. However, 马, (meaning speedy / swift), is still found in 马上, but now combined with the 上, (meaning higher, superior, on top of), it has thus "Up" the ante, as it were, and becomes "immediate"
What is the difference between 现在,此刻 and 此时?
2023年8月8日 · 现在 referring to the time, similar phrases, such as 立刻, 马上, all about time 现在就去做! Do it now/at once/asap. I am speaking in my understanding, do take a grain of salt
vocabulary - what are 词 whose whole word meaning is different …
马上 = immediately, but 马 = horse, 上=up also, if you could please provide any resource or insight on why these 词 are the way that they are. There's also 成语, which functions similarly, but that's probably going to lead to another question.