java - Can you explain the concept of streams? - Stack Overflow
2009年2月4日 · A particular stream might support reading (in which case it is an "input stream"), writing ("output stream") or both. Not all streams are seekable. Push back is fairly rare, but you can always add it to a stream by wrapping the real input stream in another input stream that holds an internal buffer.
file - What does 'stream' mean in C? - Stack Overflow
I'm reading a section in 'C Primer Plus' which deals with files, streams and keyboard input. The author connects the concept of stream with files and defines stream as follows: Conceptually, the C program deals with a stream instead of directly with a file. A stream is an idealized flow of data to which the actual input or output is mapped ...
What is a stream in C++? - Stack Overflow
Stream is linear queue that connects a file to the program and maintain the flow of data in both direction. Here the source is any file, I/O device, Hard disk, CD/DVD etc. Basically stream is if two type 1.Text Stream 2.Binary stream. Text Stream : It is a sequence of character arranges in line and each line terminated by new line (unix).
c++ - What is a stream exactly? - Stack Overflow
The stream is the central concept of the iostream classes. You can think of a stream object as a smart file that acts as a source and destination for bytes. A stream's characteristics are determined by its class and by customized insertion and extraction operators.
Getting #stream as an output in Drracket - Stack Overflow
2015年10月14日 · (define (scanlist + xs init) (define rs (cons-stream init (combine-streams + xs rs))) rs) Writing combine-streams (a.k.a. zipWith in Haskell) is a straightforward deal. In Racket, be sure to work in full language, where define is recursive, analogous to letrec (not let), or else the last one won't work (can you see why?).
What is InputStream & Output Stream? Why and when do we use …
Input Stream: If you are reading data from a file or any other source , stream used is input stream. In a simpler terms input stream acts as a channel to read data. Output Stream: If you want to read and process data from a source (file etc) you first need to save the data , …
How is the sicp cons-stream implemented? - Stack Overflow
2013年2月1日 · Otherwise the invocation of cons-stream will evaluate all its arguments eagerly. Try this (not tested): (define-syntax cons-stream (syntax-rules () ((cons-stream a b) (cons a (memo-func (lambda b))))) P.S. Your delay needs to be a macro also, for similar reasons. Then after you fix delay, you can make your cons-stream use delay directly.
How can I properly overload the << operator for an ostream?
Assuming that we're talking about overloading operator << for all classes derived from std::ostream to handle the Matrix class (and not overloading << for Matrix class), it makes more sense to declare the overload function outside the Math namespace in the header.
Streams in Scheme - define integers through stream map in …
2013年1月25日 · (define ones (stream-cons 1 ones)) (define integers (stream-cons 1 (add-streams ones integers))) In reality, the stream-map procedure above is affected by a bug, which becomes apperent if we feed to it two streams of which …
What does stream mean? What are its characteristics?
But not a stream; if a list is a bucket, then a stream is a hose. You can pull data from a stream, or push data into a stream - but normally only once and only in one direction (there are exceptions of course). For example, TCP data over a network is a stream; you can send (or receive) chunks of data, but only in connection with the other ...