meaning - What does "a whole mood" mean? - English Language …
2020年10月3日 · The word mood actually means "a temporary state of mind or feeling." In this context, mood is often used on social media with a hashtag (#mood) and an accompanying …
meaning of in the mood - English Language Learners Stack …
2024年10月1日 · In the mood has wider meaning than in a good form, which is right too in this example. Cambridge Dictionary defines the idiom be in the mood as 'to feel like doing or …
meaning - The difference between ‘in a good mood’ and ‘in a …
But yes they would work with a similar meaning, but Good Spirit usually represents when your up for something or your extreme liking of something, like when people say "I have lots of school …
etymology - Why does "blue" mood, means "sad mood"? - English …
Note that "blue mood" doesn't mean a bad mood. As you say, it means "sad". I might feel blue because my baby left me, I lost my job, my car broke down, my guitar broke a string, and I ran …
Mood: countable or uncountable - English Language Learners …
2023年6月8日 · Other dictionaries, such as Macmillan dictionary, show that mood can be either countable or uncountable. So, is there any difference in terms of meaning/usage when mood …
"what are you in the mood of today" is it correct?
2019年8月29日 · "What are you in the mood for?" asks the same as "What do you want to do?" On the other hand, "What mood are you in asks about your emotions. You can't say "What are …
She seems to be in a better mood than (what) she was in before ...
2016年4月28日 · Meaning: The subject, She, seems to be in a better mood than she was before. Notice that by adding she was in, you are changing the meaning because now you're saying …
what's the meaning of " in a champagne mood"? - English …
2017年1月22日 · It means that they're in the mood for drinking champagne. They're probably going to celebrate something because champagne is an alcoholic drink people usually drink …
meaning - How can you get your mood when you are tripping?
2018年12月21日 · There is the song by XXXTENTACION 'Moonlight' and I can't understand why he asks him to get his mood right, if he is under drug influence. And even more I don't …
I have a shiny mood / My mood is shiny OR I feel shiny
2016年2月7日 · I have a shiny mood / My mood is shiny I feel shiny I feel shining Thanks in advance for your ans ...