Human Protein Kinases Overview | Cell Signaling Technology
Human protein kinases overview: Learn about the largest and most functionally diverse gene family, the different types and their functions. Click here.
KinMap - KinHub
KinMap is an online tool for exploration of human protein kinase knowledge via interactive generation and sharing of human kinome tree anotations
KinMap: a web-based tool for interactive navigation through …
2017年1月5日 · KinMap represents a new generation of kinome tree viewers which facilitates interactive exploration of the human kinome. KinMap enables generation of high-quality annotated images of the human kinome tree as well as exchange of kinome-related data in scientific communications.
KinMap - CDRL
2022年2月6日 · KinMap represents a new generation of kinome tree viewers which facilitates interactive exploration of the human kinome. KinMap enables generation of high-quality annotated images of the human kinome tree as well as exchange of kinome-related data in scientific communications.
Protein Kinases Phylogenetic Tree + Substrate Preference Logos
This phylogenetic tree includes 351 protein kinases. A complete table of kinases, substrate motifs, and associated metadata can be found on our other webpage here: Kinase Sequence Motifs. Click to download a complete pdf of all kinase motifs, including mutant and …
Online Kinase Mapper Tool - Reaction Biology
Reaction Biology’s Kinase Mapper allows you to produce a visual map of kinase activities. Scroll down the list of kinases, and put the activity (in nM) next to each kinase. The relevant color will appear at the appropriate position on the map.
Human Kinome - kinase
Kinase Phylogeny pages provide alignments and phylogenetic trees to show how human kinases relate to each other. cDNA, protein and kinase domain sequences are available as FastA formatted text files, and may be searched using Blast.
KinMap - Tutorial - KinHub
Get an overview of the current structural and biochemical coverage of the human kinome, including the distribution of primary targets of clinically approved kinase inhibitors.
Visualize the Protein Kinase Superfamily of Protein - My Biosoftware
Kinome-render is a tool to help visualize the protein kinase superfamily of proteins by overlapping annotation on a template of the phylogenetic tree
KinOrtho: a method for mapping human kinase orthologs across the tree ...
2021年9月18日 · In this study, we have developed an efficient query-based orthology inference method that combines full-length and domain-based orthology inference methods to comprehensively map human kinase orthologs across the tree of life.