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  1. Helicoverpa zea - Wikipedia

    Helicoverpa zea, commonly known as the corn earworm, is a species (formerly in the genus Heliothis) in the family Noctuidae. [1] The larva of the moth Helicoverpa zea is a major …

  2. corn earworm - Helicoverpa zea - Entomology and Nematology …

    Larva of corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), light-colored form. Photograph by John L. Capinera, University of Florida. This species is active throughout the year in tropical and …

  3. Helicoverpa zea (bollworm) | CABI Compendium - CABI Digital …

    Helicoverpa zea is a facultative seasonal nocturnal migrant, and adults migrate in response to poor local conditions for reproduction, when weather conditions are suitable. Three types of …

  4. Species Helicoverpa zea - Corn Earworm - Hodges#11068

    2023年10月7日 · Adult moth feeds on nectar, especially of trees and shrubs. Once a host plant is identified, pheromone production and its release begins. Calling behavior appears to be …

  5. Helicoverpa zea - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on Animalia.bio

    Helicoverpa zea, commonly known as the corn earworm, is a species (formerly in the genus Heliothis) in the family Noctuidae. The larva of the moth Helicoverpa zea is a major agricultural …

  6. Corn Earworm Moth Helicoverpa zea (Boddie, 1850) | Butterflies …

    Identification: Forewing yellowish tan with variable reddish brown, olive green, or gray markings and shading. Reniform spot usually filled with dark gray. Hindwing whitish with dark gray veins …

  7. Losses due to the corn earworm in field corn has been estimated at 2.5% annually, with losses in the southern United States ranging from 1.5-16.7%. Losses in sweet corn may be as high as …

  8. Helicoverpa zea, Corn Earworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) - LSU AgCenter

    It is often treated under the name Heliothis zea in older literature. Members of the genera Helicoverpa and Heliothis are similar in appearance and habits, and both contain numerous …

  9. Helicoverpa zea, Corn Earworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Kaylee Deynzer, Steven Richardson, Forest Huval and T.E. Reagan. Description. Corn earworms are one of the most detrimental . …

  10. Helicoverpa zea (bollworm) - plantwiseplusknowledgebank.org

    Helicoverpa zea (American cotton bollworm); a normal, 12-day-old cotton bollworm larva raised on a control diet. USA.