If you have already been accepted into the CGFO program you do not need to reapply to take your exams online! Log into your FGFOA account and look for the CGFO Exam Registration …
2023年11月1日 · Certified Government Finance Officer (CGFO) The CGFO program encourages knowledge and professionalism in government finance. It promotes the development and …
FGFOA purchased the original CGFO examination from the Government Finance Officers Association of Texas (GFOAT) in the early 1990s. The first CGFO examination was given in …
Find out what region you belong to, speak to your board representative, and see how they can also assist you. But to benefit from this, you must step up and get involved. As the old adage …
2021年3月17日 · GFOAT is a professional organization with more than 1000 members that operates under its own By-Laws and is governed by a Board elected by its members. The …