挡的解释|挡的意思|汉典“挡”字的基本解释 - 漢典
挡 dǎng 〈名〉 (1) 间隙 [gap] 。如:挡口(机会) (2) 用于隔热或隔风或作为装饰的装置 [screen] 。如:炉挡 (3) 用于调节机械运行速度及控制方向的装置, “排挡” 的简称 [gear] 。如:高速挡;前进挡 (4) 某些仪器和测量装置用来表明光、电、热等量的等级 [measure] 。如:第 ...
挡 in English - Cambridge Dictionary
挡 - translate into English with the Chinese (Simplified)–English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary
挡 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
For pronunciation and definitions of 挡 – see 擋 (“to block; to obstruct; to hide from view; to cover; to obscure; etc.”). (This character is the simplified form of 擋). Notes: Simplified Chinese is mainly used in Mainland China, Malaysia, and Singapore. Traditional Chinese is mainly used in Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.
挡_挡怎么读_挡的意思 - 汉语字典 - gushiju.net
1.拦住;抵挡:拦挡。挡住去路。兵来将挡,水来土掩。一件单衣可挡不了夜里的寒气。 2.遮蔽:挡风。挡雨。山高挡不住太阳。 3.(挡儿)挡子:火挡。炉挡儿。 4.排挡的简称:二挡。空挡。挂挡。倒挡。 5.某些仪器和测量装置用来表明光、电、热等量的等级 ...
〔挡〕字是多音字,拼音是(dǎng、dàng),部首是扌部,总笔画是9画。 〔挡〕字是左右结构,可拆字为“扌、当”,五行属火。 〔挡〕字造字法是形声。从手,当声。本义是阻拦;抵挡。
挡 | 简体中文-英语翻译——剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
挡 - 中文(简体)–英语词典翻译——剑桥词典. a sport played by two teams of seven players, usually women or girls, in which goals are scored by throwing a ball through a net hanging from a ring at the top of a pole
挡_挡字的拼音,意思,字典释义 - 《新华字典》 - 汉辞宝
挡字的拼音、五笔, 挡的近义字、反义字, 【挡】的字典解释:1阻拦,遮蔽。2指排挡。3某些仪器和测量装置用来表明光、电、热等量的等级。
挡. 擋、攩 dǎng 〈动〉 (1) (形声。从手,当声。本义:阻拦;抵挡) (2) 同本义 [get in the way of;block] 攩,推也。——《方言十》 挡,遮遏也。——《正字通》 (3) 又如:挡人牌(挡箭牌。在前边极力承担困难的人);挡手(商店经理;作经纪的) (4) 遮蔽 [shelter]。
Chinese Word: 挡 - Talking Chinese English Dictionary
English explanation of 挡, with mandarin pronunciation, traditional variants, character structure information, stroke order animation, stroke order image and billigual talking sample sentences
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