Application and utility of surgical techniques for cystic plate ...
The cystic plate is a sheet of fibroareolar tissue located in the gallbladder bed. Isolation of the cystic plate appears applicable to various scenarios in liver surgery, from awareness of the theory that the cystic plate is continuous with the hilar plate and Glisson's capsule, but methods have not been standardized.
Definition and Application Value of the Cystic Plate
2024年7月29日 · According to our research, the cystic plate is the inner subserous layer of the gallbladder wall, extending from the hilar plate and consisting of abundant fibrous tissue and large vessels. There is potential space between the cystic plate and the side of the Laennec membrane via the outer subserous layer (Fig. 1 C).
讲座 | 从解剖学角度认识腹腔镜胆囊切除术中安全性关键术野的价 …
2021年7月23日 · CVS是指确认手术安全性的最重要的术野,其内容包括:(1)彻底清除胆囊三角内的脂肪和纤维组织。 (2)游离胆囊床的最下1/3部分(即胆囊颈部附着于肝脏上的白色纤维组织间隙),暴露胆囊平面。 (3)目视下“有且仅有”两个解剖结构进入胆囊,即胆囊管和胆囊动脉。 只有上述3点同时满足才可以认为达到CVS [13]。 CVS的前提是360度视角的解剖分离,其对于不可预见的胆管解剖变异及急或慢性炎症导致的困难解剖分离较其他显露方法更具优势。 CVS …
The SAGES Safe Cholecystectomy Program
The cystic plate is also known as liver bed of the gallbladder and lies in the gallbladder fossa. Two and only two structures should be seen entering the gallbladder. The doublet view anterior and posterior laparoscopic images visually demonstrate the …
Gallbladder Anatomy: Overview, Gross Anatomy, Microscopic ... - Medscape
2025年2月11日 · The cystic plate is a condensation of the fibro-areolar tissue that separates the gallbladder from the liver parenchyma. The cystic plate is well formed in the...
Anatomy of the hepatic hilar area: the plate system - PubMed
There are three plates in the hilar area: the hilar plate, the cystic plate, and the umbilical plate. The bile duct and blood vessel branches penetrate the plate system and form Glisson's capsule in all segments of the liver, except for the medial segment.
Safe laparoscopic cholecystectomy: Adoption of universal …
The surgeon should expose at least the lower third of the cystic plate (liver bed of the gallbladder) to ensure that only two target structures (the cystic artery and the cystic duct) are entering the gallbladder. This allows safe identification of any third abnormal structure (non-target structure, aberrant duct or artery) in the HC triangle ...
Definition and Application Value of the Cystic Plate - PubMed
Definition and Application Value of the Cystic Plate. Definition and Application Value of the Cystic Plate Ann Surg Oncol. 2024 Jul 29. doi: 10.1245/s10434-024-15955-w. Online ahead of print. Authors Le Xiao 1 , Wen Lin 1 , Tao Wang 2 Affiliations 1 General Surgery ...
Application and utility of surgical techniques for cystic plate ...
2022年3月22日 · The cystic plate traction method potentially avoids injury to the Glissonian pedicle that would cause unnecessary bleeding, and is thus particularly efficient for advanced cancers such as hepatocellular carcinoma patients with portal thrombosis and collateral vessels around the area of obstruction in the Glissonian sheath.
Anatomy of the hepatic hilar area: the plate system
The plate system consists of bile ducts and blood vessels surrounded by a sheath. There are three plates in the hilar area: the hilar plate, the cystic plate, and the umbilical plate. The bile duct and blood vessel branches penetrate the plate system and form Glisson's capsule in all segments of the liver, except for the medial segment.