SSA Geospatial Map Gallery - The United States Social Security ...
Welcome to Open Data at SSA! The following geospatial map assists with SSA data visualization and analysis. To download the map's data, visit our Accessibility Page.
SSA Org Charts & Manuals - The United States Social Security Administration
You may also access complete SSA Organizational Charts below: The SSA Organization website details information about each of SSA’s components, their structure, current leadership, and functions.
Social Security Launches GeoMaps | SSA
2016年9月26日 · At our map gallery, users can view geospatial maps on the Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance benefits by State, and the Help America Vote Verification Transaction by State map. These maps let you view large amounts of …
Social Security Office Regions - Disability Benefits Help
Each region has a main Social Security Administration office that oversees the Social Security office locations within that region. For more information regarding regional headquarters click on one of the regions listed below. If you are looking to locate the nearest field office click on the state/territory of your residence.
SSA American Indians and Alaska Natives Map Information
2024年5月1日 · SSA: Regions: The Social Security Administration's headquarters are located in Woodlawn, MD, and divides its offices across the United States into 10 regions. Each region has a main office that oversees the field offices located within that region. ... Map Data Sources and Contact Information: Department of the Interior: Bureau of Indian ...
SSA Open Government - socialsecurity.maps.arcgis.com
An official website of the Social Security Administration. Produced and published at taxpayer expense.
SSA Regions - Overview - ArcGIS
Region I: Boston (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont) Region II: New York (New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands) Region III: Philadelphia (Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, District of Columbia)
REGION IX – SAN FRANCISCO 415-744-3501 510-970-8431 REGION X – SEATTLE 206-615-2306 206-615-2660 Regional Map and Contact Information Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services REGIONAL OFFICES PHONE NUMBERS Social Security Administration For more information, call 1-800-MEDICARE, or visit www.medicare.gov
SSN Lookup By State and Year | SSN-Verify.com
Social Security Numbers by State. The "Area" group is the first 3-digits of a Social Security Number. This number tells you where an SSN was issued.
Social Security Regional Office | Disability Care Center
View the Social Security Administration's 10 regional locations. Find your local Social Security field offices, DDS and ODAR offices by state.