Psychology: Rosenthal and Hawthorne Effect - Physics Forums
2012年5月15日 · In summary, the Rosenthal effect is when the outcome of a study is influenced by the experimenter's expectations, while the Hawthorne effect is when subjects' behavior is …
Understanding the dynamic load factor (DLF) - Physics Forums
2025年1月30日 · The increase in the effect of a dynamic load is given by the dynamic amplification factor (DAF) or dynamic load factor (DLF)." "The natural frequency of a system is …
2012年10月17日 · It's just the same as for an object in water but the effect is much more noticeable. If you try to lift an object with a very smooth bottom from a smooth surface, air …
Relationship between Launch height and range of a projectile
2018年3月30日 · Homework Statement In a practical that we conducted, we were investigating the relationship between Launch height and the range (horizontal distance it travels) of a …
Rearranging Formula: Solving for Vw - Physics Forums
2011年2月21日 · Solving for Vv= The doppler Effect. Feb 22, 2011; Replies 4 Views 4K.
How Does Temperature Affect Electromagnetic Waves? - Physics …
2009年5月26日 · It is not really the temperature of the EM wave. "Temperature" can here mean one of two things: either the temperatures of the object that EMITTED the wave (which can be …
Effect of impurities on the boiling point of ethyl ethanoate
2018年2月7日 · After carrying out reflux and distillation to produce ethyl ethanoate (ethyl acetate) I measured the boiling point and I got 71 degrees Celsius whereas the true value is 77.1 …
How does humidity affect conductivity of air? - Physics Forums
2014年3月31日 · How does humidity affect conductivity of air? I am asking this that because I read that dry air is better insulator than normal air.
Can any one explain Schuler cycle in Inertial Navigation System
2011年12月1日 · Can anyone please explain schuler cycle, please don not start explaining with same old pendulum with the length of radius of Earth stuff.
How to calculate the inertia of a gearbox? - Physics Forums
2022年11月3日 · The traditional automotive gearbox uses an input shaft that drives the lay (or counter) shaft. The output shaft is, in effect, a single unit. The ratio of the input shaft to the …