Red Dun or Sorrel? - The Horse Forum
2012年1月3日 · All Dun horses possess at least the Dorsal Stripe, but the other presence of the other Primitive Markings Varies. I never stated the 3 Dun Paint horses I now have are the only horses I have seen with a Dorsal. I have owned several Dun QH's (red & golden duns) in the past and they all had a Dorsal Stripe.
red dun? - The Horse Forum
2013年3月23日 · Agouti restricts black and only black. It causes a black horse to become bay, brown, or wild bay. Any horse that is further modified from bay, brown, or wild bay will have whatever form of agouti that caused the original modification …
Red Dun or Sorrel? | Page 2 | The Horse Forum
2012年1月4日 · As well as the dorsal, the dun horse should display a lighter colour on the body than the one in the OP. Dun is a dilution gene, and does more than create primitive markings. Mods, grant me the serenity to see the opinions I cannot change, courage to change the ones that should change, and the wisdom to spot the trolls.
what color goes well with dun? - The Horse Forum
2009年1月12日 · Will be hard to pick between the two. My first horse was sold to me as a beginner's horse. I was very naive! She was a beautiful bay and I had red as her color for the few matching items I had. She was a seriously troubled horse and we ended up giving her away as a pasture pet to some people who wanted a pretty horse in their field.
Red Dun Roan? Or Just Red Roan? - The Horse Forum
2016年8月24日 · There is no red dun roan color option on the registration application, when you have a red dun roan, you have to choose to register the color as either red dun or red roan. If someone has a dunalino roan to register as a quarter horse, they would have to make a choice between registering the horse as a red dun or a palomino or as a red roan.
Is He Red Dun or Chestnut? - The Horse Forum
2016年6月11日 · Is He Red Dun or Chestnut? Jump to Latest 8.8K views 9 replies 10 participants last post by karliejaye Jun 16, 2016
The many colors of Fjords... (yet all dun) | The Horse Forum
2013年5月3日 · Red dun Bay dun Palomino dun Buckskin dun Cremello dun Perlino dun Smoky black dun Smoky cream dun The reason behind gra dun, yellow dun, and white dun being so rare is because they were just bred specifically to be brown dun. Similarly to the way Friesians were bred to be only black and had white markings bred out.
Breeding a homozygous black/white to a homozygous red/dun?
2011年3月2日 · However, the chestnut dun sire could be carrying agouti which could then pass to the foal and produce a bay dun tobiano. The only way to guarantee a black or grullo foal would be to have both horses homozygous for black and also homozygous for dun in the case of a guaranteed grullo, or else ensure that the chestnut dun sire was not carrying agouti.
What color foal might she have? - The Horse Forum
2014年1月28日 · All the mare has and can give in color is red (chestnut/sorrel) and all the stallion she is bred to can give is red and dun. If the stallion has one dun gene, you have a 50% red dun and 50% chestnut/sorrel. If the stallion has two dun genes, you have 100% chance of red dun.
Red Dun or chestnut - The Horse Forum
2021年10月27日 · No dun parent = no dun offspring. Foal camo can be heavy or light and includes primitives, dilution and fading. If there is no gene to support that phenotype in the foal coat the adult coat won't have it. He is ee. That makes him red. Sorrel, chestnut, whatever you choose to call it. All horses are either ee(red), E_A_(bay) or E_aa(black).