Prior restraint - Wikipedia
Prior restraint (also referred to as prior censorship [1] or pre-publication censorship) is censorship imposed, usually by a government or institution, on expression, that prohibits particular instances of expression. It is in contrast to censorship that establishes general subject matter restrictions and reviews a particular instance of ...
Prior Restraint | The First Amendment Encyclopedia
2023年8月3日 · Prior restraint is a form of censorship that allows the government to review the content of printed materials and prevent their publication. Most scholars believe that the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of the press includes the restriction of prior restraints.
prior restraint | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
In First Amendment law, prior restraint is government action that prohibits speech or other expression before the speech happens. Prior restraint typically happens in a few ways. It may be a statute or regulation that requires a speaker to acquire a permit or license before speaking.
3 -4 the amendments | PPT - SlideShare
2015年9月3日 · The document discusses analyzing political cartoons about the first ten amendments to the US Constitution known as the Bill of Rights. It provides definitions for key vocabulary like prior restraint, probable cause, and due process.
The Doctrine of Prior Restraint :: First Amendment - Justia Law
The doctrine of prior restraint was called upon by the Court as it struck down restrictions on First Amendment rights, including a series of loosely drawn statutes and ordinances requiring licenses to hold meetings and parades and to distribute literature, with uncontrolled discretion in the licensor whether or not to issue them. 432 The ...
What Is Prior Restraint? Definition and Examples - ThoughtCo
2019年6月30日 · Prior restraint is the review and restriction of speech prior to its release. Under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which protects speech and freedom of the press, prior restraint is deemed unconstitutional. There are some exceptions to prohibitions against prior restraint, including obscenity and national security.
Prior Restraint: Definition, Examples & Cases - StudySmarter
Prior restraint is a type of government censorship. It happens when the government prevents information or speech from going public before it even happens. The roots of prior restraint in the United States go back to medieval England, when kings and queens censored the press.
In constitutional terms, the doctrine of prior restraint holds that the First Amend-ment forbids the Federal Government to impose any system of prior restraint, with certain limited exceptions, in any area of expression that is within the boundaries of that Amendment.
Prior Restraint - (AP US Government) - Fiveable
Prior restraint refers to a legal doctrine that prohibits the government from prohibiting speech or other expression before it takes place. This concept is a critical aspect of First Amendment rights, emphasizing the importance of free speech and the presumption against censorship.
Prior Restraint | Overview & Research Examples - Perlego
Prior restraint refers to the government's ability to prevent the publication or dissemination of information before it is made public. This is often seen as a violation of the freedom of speech and press, as it allows the government to control what information is made available to the public.