Synonyms and antonyms of a long time in English - Cambridge …
A LONG TIME - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus
Thesaurus article: for a very long time - Cambridge Dictionary
FOR A VERY LONG TIME - Article page with synonyms and phrases | Cambridge English Thesaurus
Synonyms and antonyms of long-lasting in English - Cambridge …
LONG-LASTING - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus
Synonyms and antonyms of continuing a long time in English
CONTINUING A LONG TIME - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus
Thesaurus article: continuing for a large amount of time
CONTINUING FOR A LARGE AMOUNT OF TIME - Article page with synonyms and phrases | Cambridge English Thesaurus
LONG-TIME | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
LONG-TIME definition: 1. used to say that someone has been in a particular position for a long period: 2. used to say….
Synonyms and antonyms of long established in English
LONG ESTABLISHED - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus
LONG TIME NO SEE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
LONG TIME NO SEE definition: 1. said when you meet someone who you haven't seen for a long period of time 2. said when you meet….
LONG - Cambridge English Thesaurus mit Synonymen und …
2021年7月10日 · LONG - Synonyme, verwandte Wörter und Beispiele | Cambridge English Thesaurus
LONG-TIME | translate English to Urdu - Cambridge Dictionary
LONG-TIME translate: طویل مدت کا, طویل عرصہ کا. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Urdu Dictionary.