word choice - Synonym of to make disappear? - English Language …
Is there any synonym of the word To make disappear For example: The magician made her disappear from the stage
idioms - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Thus the it has no antecedent: there doesn’t exist any thing that is getting made (in the sense of created or produced). But if you wanted to, you wouldn’t go too far wrong by interpreting the it as referring to “the universe.” Thus another paraphrase of make it so that is “cause the universe to behave in a manner that ensures that.”
Is there a word for, "To make more strict?"
We have words like strengthen which is to make stronger but that doesn't really match the meaning of what I'm looking for: The so-and-so group _____ed its employee rules. I'd like a word that would
“is made” vs. “was made” vs. “has been made" [closed]
My car was made by Benz. And they might even shorten in further: My car is a Benz. Notice how the verb changed in that last sentence! Because once a car is made by Benz, it will always be a Benz, no matter when it was made (although, in the U.S., we typically say Mercedes). We might change our sentence to the past tense after we no longer own ...
What does "there is an argument to be made" mean?
2018年7月13日 · 'There is an argument to be made' is a common expression in English and means 'it is possible to present evidence that would support the claim', e.g.: It is possible to present evidence that would support the claim that the team play pretty well.'
Was made vs is made - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2020年7月5日 · "Tony made up this story." ("made up" emphasizes the creative aspect) "This story was created by Tony." "Tony is telling this story" "This story is by Tony" If you are going for the idea that Tony invented the story or came up with the idea, I recommend using verbs like "made up" "created" "invented" or "imagined."
Being made vs made - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2020年11月4日 · That is, "being made" isn't an example of past participle, it is an example of participial construction, that was formed using a formula "being + past participle form of a main verb make". So you never can use any auxillary verbs to form past participle, but you must use them to form various participial constructions. –
tense - Help understanding the difference between "been made" …
Where has this product been made? -China. Where has this product being made? -China. I know the best question would be something like this: Where is it made?. I also know the grammar being used in the above questions. My problem here has to do with simplifying the questions above. I don't understand the difference in meaning.
word request - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2016年9月20日 · Things can be made from the components of other things, repurposed. That kind of improvistation can be called bricolage . But if you're looking for the name of a new product quickly thrown together, a new app, say, or for the name of the company that is making it, I'd go with Slapdash™ .
How do I change "is made of" into an active voice?
2021年5月9日 · If you regard "X is made of Y" as passive, by analogy with "built from" or "fashioned with", you can make it active by supplying an actor as subject and making "it" the object: They made it of plastic. Someone made it of bubble gum.