Afghan Jezail: Real or Fake and estimated value.
2021年8月31日 · I have purchased a couple of Henry-Martini's from a vendor here at Bagram AB and they check out to be legit British rifles. I will make a separate post for them. I am interested in buying a Jezail but the guy is asking quite a bit of money for the "real" ones.
1817 Flintlock Jezail - The Firearms Forum
2011年6月8日 · The pictures always tell the tale. Yep, looks good to me - a nice example of the type. It appears the date on the lockplate comes from a European musket lockplate. Jim Hauff, is that a toothpick or a fingernail-cleaning knife? Yes, it and the Jezail would certainly look good together. BullShoot
Jezail/Camel gun - The Firearms Forum
2020年10月30日 · Jezail/Camel gun Jump to Latest 2.9K views 10 replies 7 participants last post by howlnmad Nov 1, 2020
Inherited Jezail & percussion cap pistol | The Firearms Forum
2021年8月17日 · Just a guess, but the Jezail rifle may bring $300-$500 as a wall hanger. There is inlay work on the stock and most of them aren't in fireable condition. The pistol maybe $100.
Need help identifying this old rifle! | The Firearms Forum
2014年12月30日 · It sure does look like a North African or Moroccan style moukalla or kayble as Grizzley mentioned. A jezail is typically a middle-east or eastern Africa style of longarm. Also that's not a miquelet, it's a snaphaunce lock. Similar design from the same era but a few differences. A snaphaunce is more commonly seen on a moukalla than a miquelet is.
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Is this a genuine jezail or remake? - The Firearms Forum
2015年2月26日 · Is this a genuine jezail or remake? Jump to Latest 816 views 3 replies 2 participants last post by Grizzley1 Feb 26, 2015
which mauser rifes to avoid | Page 2 | The Firearms Forum
2011年8月15日 · Actually, I have two Berthiers, a rifle and carbine, both 92/16 5 shooters with appropriate bayonets. It's a tossup which takes the ugly duckling prize, the Berthiers, a Vetterli 70/87/15, or the jezail, but they're all pretty neat each in their own unique ways.
Advice on repair of antique musket | The Firearms Forum
2019年8月31日 · Looks like a Jezail. Difficult to date--they have been hand built/rebuilt for hundreds of years. Yours appears to be a very plain one. The percussion ignition is a bit less common. Suspect it has something broken/missing in …
which mauser rifes to avoid | The Firearms Forum
2014年3月27日 · I do have one Afghan made arm, a jezail, which for reasons long forgotten ended up making the move to Alaska. Damn thing's nearly as long as I am (6'3"), is older than dirt, a flintlock of .80ish caliber, covered with inlays of I don't know what, and sports 13 filigreed brass barrel bands.