Flag ceremonies may take place in meeting rooms, outdoor settings, large auditoriums, on stage, even on horseback. All flag ceremonies share one thing—respect for the flag.
• Girls should be in uniforms (white shirts and khaki pants) for official flag ceremonies. Have similarly clothed girls walk together. (Girls wearing sashes walk together, girls wearing vests …
Because the American Flag is the symbol of our country – which Girl Scouts promise to serve - many Girl Scout events include a flag ceremony. The ways we show respect for our flag is …
What is a Flag Ceremony? A flag ceremony honors the American flag as the symbol of our country and all the hopes, dreams, and people it represents. If your group includes girls from …
flag ceremony honors the American flag as the symbol of our country and all the hopes, dreams, and people it consists of. If your group includes girls from other countries, girls can honor their …
With a flag ceremony, Girl Scouts show respect for the flag of the United States, which symbolizes our country and our democratic way of life. A flag ceremony is often used to open or close a …
Whether you’re adding some pomp and circumstance to your Court of Awards ceremony or celebrating the Fourth of July in style with your troop, a flag ceremony is a special Girl Scout …
Planning a flag ceremony is a simple, fun way to practice girl-led leadership, with lots of opportunity for taking turns and sharing roles. • How will girls be selected to participate in the …
A flag ceremony can be an opening to a meeting, a special event, or opening and closing a day such as morning and evening flag ceremonies at camp. Flag ceremonies have a patriotic …
June 14 is Flag Day, commemorating the adoption of the stars and stripes as the official flag of the American colonies in 1777. No Girl Scout event is complete without a flag ceremony. …