The Chlorine Dioxide Controversy - The Weston A. Price Foundation
2021年1月22日 · The medical establishment maintains that chlorine dioxide—a simple, inexpensive, nonpatentable molecule—is a dangerous substance that should never be used in medicine. However, this is a gross exaggeration. Oxygen is highly reactive as well, but that does not mean that we advise people not to breathe. CHLORINE vs CHLORINE DIOXIDE
Glyphosate and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma - The Weston A. Price …
2019年1月21日 · Two studies have revealed that glyphosate can be broken down nonenzymatically by simple highly oxidizing molecules such as ozone, chlorine dioxide and hypochlorite. 88,89 Ozone therapy and Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) therapy may be successful therapeutic options in part because they help to reduce glyphosate burden in the …
Sewage in a Glass? - The Weston A. Price Foundation
2016年2月15日 · Chlorine is necessary to protect the masses from large-scale outbreaks of disease. However, chlorine is a double-edged sword. It comes with unintended consequences in that it reacts with organic matter in the water supply to cause the formation of carcinogenic compounds such as trihalomethanes, haloacetic acids and mutagen X.
Air Pollution, Biodiesel, Glyphosate and Covid-19
2020年7月20日 · However, many have expressed concern that the ventilators are actually contributing to further damage to the already fragile lungs. The alternative medicine community is advocating the use of simple oxidizing agents such as ozone and chlorine dioxide (ClO 2) in the treatment of Covid-19. Their pro-oxidant effects can directly kill viruses and ...
Muscle and Menstrual Cramps - The Weston A. Price Foundation
2000年12月31日 · You should try chlorine dioxide solution ((cds).. also known as MMS. It’s very potent against parasites. You can drink it in your water, and it has no side effects (if correct dosage is respected). Standard dose is 10ml per day, but in your case you should start with a lower dose and build up the dose to a higher concentration.
The Devil in the Garlic - The Weston A. Price Foundation
2022年7月20日 · Chlorine dioxide is relatively new to our practice but is quickly becoming a central therapy. It will oxidize various noxious sulfur compounds that can be produced by a dysbiotic bowel, including hydrogen sulfide. It should only be implemented with the guidance of someone trained in its implementation and use.
Journal, Winter 2020, Contagion Fairy Tale - The Weston A. Price …
2021年2月12日 · The Chlorine Dioxide Controversy Stephanie Seneff examines chlorine dioxide’s actions and mechanisms. Coconut and Ecuadorian Encocados Pilar Egüez Guevara describes coconut’s past and current status in Ecuador. DEPARTMENTS. President’s Message: The New Etiquette; Letters: Letters to the Editor of Wise Traditions
Page 1 - Winter2020
The WesTon A. Price FoundATion ® Non Profit Org. for WiseTraditions U.S. Postage Wise T in Food, Farming and the healing arts PAID $12 US Education Research Activism Suburban, MD Wise Traditions PmB 106-380, 4200 Wisconsin avenue, nW Permit 4889 Washington, dc 20016 in Food, Farming and the healing arts A PublicATion oF The WesTon A. Price ...
Against the Grain - The Weston A. Price Foundation
2006年7月16日 · Commercial baker’s yeast, on the other hand, is a monoculture of just one single variety of yeast, grown to be a consistently fast and vigorous replicator and producer of carbon dioxide, but incapable of developing grain flavors (the lactobacilli are best at that).
The Role of Oxalates in Autism and Chronic Disorders
2010年3月26日 · Actually, parasites are not the bad guys. Sure, some parasites are, but when they’re systematically wiped out by insane things like chlorine dioxide and other anti-parasiticals, then 10-20 years down the line, the patient is overwhelmed with allergies.