约 184,000 个结果
  1. Missing Butt Feathers...Why? - BackYard Chickens

    2020年4月16日 · I have 19 chickens with missing feathers on 12. I have checked for mites and lice none found. I have two 7 foot roosts that are together on one end and over 12 inches apart on the other end, then I have a 4 foot roost. I know there are 5 roosting on the 4 foot roost.

  2. Missing feathers on belly - BackYard Chickens

    2009年5月4日 · Lately I have been finding small fluffy feathers in the nesting box. Quite a few of them. Yesterday as my son was picking up a chicken I realized that at least 2 of my chickens are missing a LOT of feathers on their bellies. They look like a plucked chicken under there. There is no sign of pecking. The skin is not under distress or bloodied.

  3. Red skin and missing feathers on underbelly and around vent! HELP!

    2014年8月18日 · They eat feathers, not blood, so feather loss and skin irritation make for lovely red patches with just bare skin. What we noticed was that the hens that were lowest on the pecking order and that roosted together had the most severe infestations, that had progressed to feather loss and in one of the hens, severe irritation and mild prolapse.

  4. Chicken has no feathers on belly!!! Help!!! - BackYard Chickens

    2013年4月25日 · Our weekly newsletter delivers chicken-raising tips, adorable photos, & insider secrets. Plus, you’ll get access to special deals & contests. Unsubscribe at any time.

  5. my chicken has no feathers on her breast - BackYard Chickens

    2011年12月26日 · The feathers don't necessarily need to be found in the nest. They pull out their breast feathers when they go broody. But seeing as how it is only March, I wouldn't let her have any eggs. Its WAY too cold for chicks at this time of year. Of course, I don't know where you live but summer is the time for broody's having chicks running around.

  6. MIssing chicken, lots of feathers but no blood

    2013年5月11日 · I found a large amount of feathers and half of the chicken's head outside the coop. There was no blood or other mess so until I found the head wasn't sure. The other three seem a little traumitized by the ordeal. They no longer see the coop as a safe place and I have to carry them in at night. They keep trying to roost on the chain link fence ...

  7. Chicken missing. No trace - BackYard Chickens

    2008年5月3日 · When I came home at 8 to put them to bed I was missing a WL pullet. I ran around counting chickens over and over and searching for her. I got up first thing this morning and looked all over again. There is no sign of a struggle or anything like that. I guess I assumed if something killed her it would have left feathers or something.

  8. Bright red skin, no feathers - BackYard Chickens

    2017年12月18日 · They can chew feathers off their breasts and thighs due to mites, lice can chew them off. Feather loss over the back is usually caused by overmating of the rooster. Sounds like she is over grooming her feathers. Some of my girls groom feathers until they are just shafts or tiny pin like feathers. If feathers get chewed off, bare skin will turn red.

  9. Chickens have red bottoms and no feathers!!!!!!! - BackYard Chickens

    2017年9月18日 · 2 white leghorn hens, out of 6 hens (others are golden comets) have red, featherless bottoms. They are laying fine, eating and drinking normally. They have had bare bottoms for 3 months now. I have checked for mites, but nothing. Please HELP!!!!!!

  10. No feathers on the neck - BackYard Chickens

    2009年6月28日 · When my Light Brahma had that problem, I discovered she was picking her own neck feathers out as soon as the pin feathers came in. I cut the foot off an old sock and made her a neck gator. But she quickly removed it. I sewed two elastic loops onto the bottom and slipped it over her head and the elastic loops under her wing pits. That did the trick.