Benjamin Lay - Wikipedia
Benjamin Lay (January 26, 1682 – February 8, 1759) was an English-born abolitionist, an animal-rights advocate, an anti-racist activist, a writer, a quasi-vegan, and farmer. Born in Copford, Essex, into a Quaker family, he initially underwent an apprenticeship as a glovemaker before running away to London and finding work as a sailor.
Benjamin Lay: The Quaker dwarf who fought slavery - BBC
2018年2月10日 · From Colchester he went to Barbados with his wife Sarah Smith, also a Quaker and a dwarf, to open a general store, but his experience "was a nightmare". "It was the leading slave society of the...
Benjamin Lay - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Benjamin Lay (26 de enero de 1682 - 8 de febrero de 1759) fue un cuáquero humanitario y abolicionista angloamericano. También fue escritor , agricultor , vegetariano , feminista y se distinguió por su preocupación por el trato ético de los animales .
Eighteenth-Century Visual Representations of Benjamin Lay
Benjamin and Sarah Lay's experience in Barbados fits into a pattern shared amongst early Atlantic antislavery activists. Particularly in the seventeenth century, Quakers, Anglicans, and Puritans who saw slavery first-hand were moved to pen condemnations of human bondage.
The 18th-Century Quaker Dwarf Who Challenged Slavery, Meat-Eating, and ...
2017年9月11日 · This 17th-century map shows the island of Barbados as Benjamin and Sarah Lay would have known it. Public Domain. Lay seems to have had big dreams and ideals to match.
18 Facts About Benjamin Lay | FactSnippet
In 1718, Benjamin Lay moved to Barbados as a merchant, but soon his abolitionist principles, fueled by his Quaker radicalism, made him unpopular with those fellow residents who profited from slavery and human trafficking.
Benjamin Lay and Ralph Sandiford: Early Quaker Abolitionists at …
2019年7月29日 · During a brief stay in Barbados, he witnessed the horrors of slavery on sugar plantations. He felt that slavery was a ‘hellish practice’ that should be abolished (Rediker 34). He started connecting and sharing ideas with other local …
Benjamin Lay - Smithsonian Institution
Benjamin Lay, c. 1681 - 3 Feb 1759 Exhibition Label Born Colchester, England Although small in stature, Quaker reformer Benjamin Lay loomed large in the emerging eighteenth century antislavery movement. Having witnessed the horrors of slavery as a merchant in Barbados, Lay dedicated himself to abolitionism.
The Portrait Gallery: Benjamin Lay - Blogger
2016年9月7日 · "Quaker reformer Benjamin Lay was a key figure in the emerging antislavery movement prior to the Revolutionary War. Having witnessed slavery's horrors while working as a merchant in Barbados, Lay dedicated himself to the abolitionist cause.
Benjamin Lay: Another look at an old Friend by Simon Webb
2022年5月6日 · Some time around the year 1731, a Quaker called Sarah Lay went to visit her neighbour on Barbados. Sarah was shown into her neighbour’s kitchen, and couldn’t help noticing something hanging from a beam in the ceiling.