【Apollo N】Apollo_Apollo N报价_Apollo N图片_汽车之家
汽车之家Apollo N频道,提供Apollo N报价,Apollo在售Apollo N图片,Apollo全部Apollo N参数配置,Apollo N最新文章,保养周期及费用等最新信息,最精彩Apollo N汽车内容 ...
【Apollo N】Apollo_Apollo N报价_Apollo N图片_懂车帝
懂车帝Apollo N频道,提供Apollo N报价,Apollo N在售Apollo N图片及价格,Apollo N全部参数配置,Apollo N最低多少钱文章,Apollo N保养周期及费用等最新信息,Apollo N最精彩汽车内容尽在懂车帝。
Apollo N - Asphalt Wiki
The Apollo N is a mid-engined hypercar by Gumpert/Apollo Automobil GmbH. The Apollo N was unveiled at the 2016 Geneva Motor Show as an updated version of the Gumpert Apollo. The 'N' in the name...
香港实拍阿波罗Apollo N,车价千万,5.0T排量,3秒破百_车家号_ …
这台阿波罗超跑搭载的是一台5.0T V8引擎,车身匹配7速双离合变速箱,百公里加速仅需3秒即可完成,极速超过360时速,动力强悍的同时,加速时的冲劲也非常猛烈,而且前后配备四轮独立悬架,提高车辆的舒适性。 这样一辆国内仅2台的阿波罗超跑出现在街头,一台在香港,车价8位数,车牌用胶布粘贴。 原来,这台车国内就2台,一台在大陆,另一台在香港,而香港这台的前车牌挂的是“香港试车拍照”,这类牌照可以用绳子或者是胶布粘贴,挂这类车牌的要求不严格,还 …
2017 Apollo N - Top Speed
2016年3月2日 · First things first – the Apollo N is an acquired taste. While slightly altered compared to past Gumpert products, the same overall aesthetic remains. That means there’s enough vents, vortex...
Apollo N - Asphalt Legends Unite Database
The Apollo N was unveiled at the 2016 Geneva Motor Show as an updated version of the Gumpert Apollo. The ‘N’ in the name symbolizes the Nürburgring, the race track Apollo plans to use to hone all of its future cars.
Apollo N - 百度百科
Apollo N是Apollo旗下跑车。
Gumpert Apollo N specs, performance data - FastestLaps.com
2016 Gumpert Apollo N specs, performance data, engine specifications, pictures, updated July 2024.
【Apollo N】Apollo_Apollo N报价_Apollo N图片_汽车之家
专属咨询. 买秦plus必看的5哥亮点
【Apollo N】_新款Apollo N_ApolloApollo N报价及图片_配置–新 …
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