Equidensitometry - Wikipedia
Equidensitometry is the technique of measuring equidensities in a photographic deposit or photographic layer, such as photographic films and photographic plates. Equidensities are points, lines and areas having equal densities also called isodensities.
A Novel Approach to Equidensity Photographic Images
Among the most memorable abstractions are equidensity images - partial negative and partial positive, often with bold contrast, vivid geometric patterns, and contour lines around objects. Up to now three popular approaches to equidensity production were Sabatier "pseudosolarization", the no-longer produced Agfacontour film, and bas relief, with ...
The equidensity film in the field of photoelasticity
1974年1月1日 · Analysis The equidensity film (trade name Agfa - Contour - Equidensity Film by Agfa - Gevaert) invented by E. Ranz [4] can be used in the field of photography of isochromatic fringe patterns to obtain fringes of fractional order. The most important characteristic of the new film is that it detects fixed densities of images.
Definition:Equal Surface - ProofWiki
An equidensity surface is an equal surface S S embedded in a body B B with respect to a density field within B B. That is, it is a surface S S embedded in B B on which the (mass) density is equal throughout S S.
Equidensometry applied to photoelasticity | Experimental …
Agfacontour film has simplified photographic procedures so that equidensity techniques can now be applied in photoelastic practice and other work requiring evaluation of optical fringes for fractional orders. Direct photography and copying from conventional negatives are described and practical considerations indicated.
Equidensitometry by coherent optical filtering - Optica Publishing …
A new and simple method has been developed for fabrication of multilevel halftone screens that have proved useful for generation of equidensity contours by means of coherent optical filtering. Up to ten contours of constant brightness have been generated on a picture by coherent optical filtering of a single halftone copy of that picture.
Axisymmetric models for galaxies by equipotential and equidensity …
2008年6月8日 · In this paper we outline equipotential and equidensity methods of constructing axisymmetric models for galaxies. The former method defines equipotentials, from which the corresponding densities of the galaxy models can be obtained using Poisson's equation; the latter defines the equidensity surfaces of the galaxy models directly.
equidensity - 维基词典,自由的多语言词典 - 維基詞典
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equidensity - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
From equi- + density.
with an equidensity film has greatly enhanced the utility and application of the imagery. The density slicing technique also providps a useful supplement to the 12s Mini-Addcol Viewing System, especially for mapping discrete varigated phenomena. It would be …
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