Fibroadenoma - Hysterectomy Forum
If you have found a lump in your breast, it is normal to feel a bit nervous and apprehensive. Thankfully, however, not all breast lumps are malignant. One type of benign tumor is known as a fibroadenoma. Fibroadenomas are smooth, round lumps, which you can move beneath your skin. They can be firm or rubbery, but are generally not tender or painful.
Bowel Prep - how many oz is golytely? | HysterSisters
2010年6月17日 · HysterSisters.com is a massive online community with over 475,000 members and over 5 million posts. Our community is filled with women who have been through the Hysterectomy experience providing both advice and support …
TAH/BSO - Easier "done" Than "said" - HysterSisters Hysterectomy
2001年3月20日 · Debra Richardson, M.D. Gynecological Oncology Clinic - SW Med 2201 Inwood Road Suite 106 Dallas TX 75390 214-645-4673
How Safe Is Sex at 6 Weeks Post Op daVinci? - Hysterectomy Forum
2012年4月12日 · I am 55 years old with a daVinci hysterectomy 3 weeks ago. Everything is gone, tubes, ovaries, cervix and, of course uterus. I have read some horror stories about the vaginal cuff tearing after sexual activity. I am extremely apprehensive about tearing the cuff and the repercussions of that.
Best position for sex??? - HysterSisters Hysterectomy
2006年2月25日 · I agree with Rhonda, You must be in charge. It is a little uncomfortable the first few times, keep KY handy. We waited 8 weeks, I was scared & DH was patient. I'm still a little apprehensive. Your cuff is normally about an 1"-2" above your incision or 1" below belly button. You will know...when you start to heal it really itches from the inside.
TAH/BSO - Princess Laura's Tale | Hysterectomy Forum
2000年11月30日 · Caren C Reaves, M.D. Caring for Women 2805 S. Mayhill Rd Denton TX 76208 940-591-6700: Lauren Streicher, M.D. ...
TAH-BSO; Complex Hyperplasia with Atypia | Hysterectomy Forum
Ellen Wilson, M.D. 5323 Harry Hines Blvd - Dept of OBGYN Dallas TX 75390 214-648-4747: Lori Warren, M.D. 3900 Kresge Way
Sex after A & P repair | HysterSisters
2010年9月18日 · Well I wasn't cleared until 12 weeks post op to have sex. It was ok at first. We were both apprehensive at 1st. It didn't really hurt and I didn't bleed. It was probably really good about the 3rd time. My vagina is much tighter now. If it is not wet enough you certainly need lubricant, because it is smaller and tighter.
vaginal surgery versus da Vinci for cystocele, rectocele, vaginal …
2009年12月15日 · I have never heard of staying 3 nights after a vaginal repair surgery. I stayed 2 nights after a vag hyst with repairs (cystocele, rectocele, severe uterine prolapse) plus BSO, but only because I was having problems urinating (ended up going home with the catheter due to lots of swelling from A&P repairs).
hormone levels--too high? too low? | HysterSisters
2002年4月22日 · If you were doing fine for 4 weeks then I would be apprehensive to change right away. I have had periods where I have had fluctuations and find that if I leave it alone it returns to normal. On the other hand I am wondering if maybe your levels have built up after the 4 weeks and you might have to drop to a lower dose.