Exercises for low-back pain should be stopped for a week. No "sit-ups" should be done for at least one week and no "crawl" swimming. (Breast stroke is OK.) Also avoid far head-forward …
Vertigo is a spinning or whirling sensation when you move your head. Your doctor may have moved you in different positions to help your vertigo get better faster. This is called the Epley …
These exercises are a method of treating Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). They succeed in 95% of cases but more arduous than the Epley manoeuvre. Sitting comfortably …
Brandt-Darof exercises are a series of simple movements that can help stop the dizzy spells that people with BPPV experience. It is not clear why the exercises work. Some evidence suggests …
Epley Manoeuvre to treat this type of vertigo. What is the Home Epley Manoeuvre? The Home Epley Manoeuvre (say home ep-lee man-noo-ver) is an exercise you can do at home. With …
X20542 (Rev. 12/2019) ©AAHC Vertigo/Vestibular. Brandt-Daroff Exercises. 1. Sit on your bed or couch with your feet flat on the floor. 2. Lie down on one side with your head turned slightly …
There are exercises available to help resolve the BPPV. These are known as the Brandt- Daroff. These exercises are successful in 95% of people. Below is a suggested structure of how often …
Epley Maneuver for Vertigo: Exercises Introduction The Epley maneuver is a series of movements your doctor may use to treat your vertigo. Here are the steps for the exercises. Your doctor or …
These exercises should be performed for two weeks, three times per day, or for three weeks, twice per day. This adds up to 52 sets in total. In most persons, complete relief from symptoms …
These exercises are designed to help make vertigo more manageable. Practice 2-3 exercises for at least 5 minutes every day and you can build up your tolerance to vertigo while it lasts. …