UHF CB - Wikipedia
UHF CB is a class-licensed citizen's band radio service authorised by the governments of Australia, Europe, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Vanuatu, and in the PMR446, UHF 477 …
UHF CB - 华文百科
uhf cb是由澳大利亚政府,新西兰,瓦努阿图和马来西亚在uhf 477 mhz乐队中的政府授权的公民乐队无线电服务。 uhf cb提供了77个通道,包括分配给中继器站的32个通道(16个输出,16个 …
CB radio in the United States - Wikipedia
As originally constituted, what is now CB radio was Class D of the Citizens' Radio Service. Classes A and B were in the UHF radio band and
UHF CB及其频段用途部署 - 优译
2024年1月8日 · uhf cb 是澳大利亚、新西兰、瓦努阿图和马来西亚政府授权的 uhf 477 mhz 频段的类别许可公民频段无线电服务。 UHF CB提供77个通道,其中32个通道(16个输出,16个输 …
Citizens band radio - Wikipedia
Citizens band radio (CB radio) is a land mobile radio system, a system allowing short-distance one-to-many bidirectional voice communication among individuals, using two-way radios …
UHF CB - HFUnderground
2024年12月30日 · The term UHF CB may refer to the license-free FRS service and/or GMRS service (which allows use of repeaters) in the United States. Use of the Australian UHF CB …
UHF CB Head to Head - XCD 5W v Digitech DC-1068
2022年5月30日 · This is a head to head review / test of the XCD 5W UHF CB and the Digitech DC-1068 UHF CB. Both are 5W UHF CB radios which retail for $189.
CB Radio Frequencies & Channels | CB World - wearecb.com
Citizens Band (CB) radio dates back to the 1940s. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which still regulates CB, took bands from the UHF band (460-470 megacycles) for …
A Complete Guide on UHF CB Radios in Australia | UHF Channels - Oricom
What is UHF CB Radio? UHF CB is an ideal close range communications tool with no ongoing fee. The UHF is ultimately a two-way radio system across the spectrum of …
CB Radio Frequencies & Channels (with PDF)
UHF (Ultra High Frequency) and VHF (Very High Frequency). UHF channels were channels 14 through 40, and VHF channels were 1 - 13. Channels 30, 31 and 32 are 2 meter ham radio …
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