Old Urgot's ultimate was one of the most interesting abilities and I ...
2018年5月27日 · Urgot was an anti-carry, which is a class Riot has removed from the game in most forms. Veigar (old ult did more damage the more AP your opponent had), Kassadin (who was basically DotA Anti-Mage and still has "Take 15% reduced magic damage" as a
Old urgot Q and E : r/UrgotMains - Reddit
2023年5月2日 · Would give multiple build path options with some people going for W max first and others going for Q max poke spamming. I miss old Urgot a lot but the first version of his rework before they shifted so much power into his W was by far my favorite version of Urgot.
Does anyone miss the old Urgot? : r/UrgotMains - Reddit
2017年11月27日 · Old Urgot played more like a Jayce, Ezreal, Graves, Varus and New Urgot plays like a Darius or Illaoi with more range on autos. Both kits are so different in what they do that both feel like separate champions rather than an update of the previous kit, So it's hard for me to compare them.
Old Urgot : r/UrgotMains - Reddit
2020年10月17日 · :old urgot was an truly ranged artillery character, specialising in destroying your backline and haltin engages from bruisers/carrys/assasins such as zed,yas,or riven. but spending more mana than he deals damage on any tank :the new urgot is an engage bruiser that melts tanks and leeches himself up on damage in themiddle of the teamfight.
Do you miss old urgot? : r/UrgotMains - Reddit
2018年5月16日 · I do miss the old urgot. I still play a lot of the new urgot, he's one of my 3 top laners I play, but still the old urgot had a niche that no other champs could fill. New urgot is totally different, it's a shame. I miss being able to go full damage and be a crazy artillery Frankenstein. I also can't agree that his theme is the same.
Does anyone else miss the old kit for Urgot? : r/UrgotMains - Reddit
2020年7月30日 · Old urgot gave me my first penta and soon became my most played champion , but after the update i didn't played him as much, because it felt like his novelty/uniqueness was gone, which only made it "worse" with the increase of pick rate by other players.
In-Depth Urgot Guide! : r/UrgotMains - Reddit
2020年9月21日 · Urgot's W refreshes purge (the lock on portion) itself so as long as you have landed q e or r on a champion you can keep turning your w on and off and it will keep targeting them. At least as far as i know it should.
OLD URGOT! OLD URGOT! : r/LeagueOfMemes - Reddit
2022年9月7日 · Urgot wasn't tanky enough for the swap and he isn't a cc champ. If they made a support with that ult or a tank with that ult I feel like it would be decent. Could possibly make a jungler with it.
Reading Urgot's old kit sounds like he was a really strong support
2023年1月9日 · Old Urgot was an "anti carry", he was a strong early game lane bully that would transition into a utility meatbag frontliner, he wouldn't really carry a game on his own but was very good at making sure an enemy threat (ADC/assassin) did not get to play the game.
Every old splash art of every champion! : r/leagueoflegends - Reddit
909 votes, 515 comments. true. It was always a quiet joke to myself whenever I played Soraka and was trying to heal someone while they were running away (with her new passive it's no longer an issue), but Lordy with that old splash art I would have run away on principle D':