Brazilian Elodea - WISC - Washington Invasive Species Council
Brazilian elodea is a bright green, robust, freshwater plant originally sold in Washington pet stores for aquariums. It roots at the bottom of freshwater bodies, with highly branched stems that grow up in 18 feet to the water surface.
Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board
Brazilian elodea is an ornamental aquatic plant that is used primarily for fish aquariums. Infestations can alter aquatic ecosystems, trapping sediment and degrading water quality. It forms dense mats that shade out other native aquatic plants, inhibits water flow, and …
Brazilian Elodea (Egeria densa) (also called Brazilian Waterweed ...
Brazilian elodea is a submersed aquatic plant that can be rooted or free floating. This green plant has a bottle-brush appearance and can grow nine to 15 feet tall. Upon reaching the surface of the water, the leafy branches create dense mats.
Brazilian Elodea - WISC - Washington Invasive Species Council
Brazilian elodea, egeria densa, is a freshwater, perennial plant that looks like a larger, more robust version of its native relative, elodea canadensis (waterweed). Brazilian elodea has green serrated leaves that grow in whorls with tiny white flowers that float on the water’s surface.
Elodea densa - Wikipedia
Elodea densa, the large-flowered waterweed [2] or Brazilian waterweed, is a species of Elodea native to warm temperate South America in southeastern Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. [3] [4] It is considered a problematic invasive species due to its use in home aquariums and subsequent release into non-native ecosystems.
Brazilian Waterweed | National Invasive Species Information Center
Freshwater Aquatic Invasive Species in Rhode Island: Brazilian Elodea [PDF, 909 KB]
Brazilian Elodea
Brazilian Elodea - Also known as Brazilian Waterweed, its a fully submerged ornamental that is used primarily in fish aquariums. Leaves: Lower leaves grow in a whorled formation and typically consist of 4 leaves per whorl. Upper portions of stem often appear more dense than the base.
Brazilian Elodea | Ontario's Invading Species Awareness Program
Brazilian elodea, also known as Brazilian waterweed, is a submerged aquatic plant in the waterweed (Elodea) family. It can be found in a wide range of freshwater habitat types, including wetlands, lakes, ponds, and even slow-flowing streams.
Brazilian Elodea - University of Maryland Extension
Brazilian elodea, or egeria, is an exotic (native to South America), submersed, perennial, aquatic herb, usually rooted in bottom mud. Probably introduced through the aquarium trade, the plant is normally found in quiet waters of ponds, lakes, and in slow-moving streams.
Brazilian waterweed, Brazilian elodea - Invasive Plant Atlas
Often confused with hydrilla, Egeria densa has a smooth midrib on the underside of the leaf, whereas hydrilla has small teeth. The finely serrated leaves are usually less than 1 in. (2.5 cm) long and occur in whorls of 3-6. The flowers, which bloom above the surface of the water, are white with three petals.