This course is a continuation of high school calculus, but goes deeper into the theoretical foundations and develops the methods further in order to deal with more complicated cases. The course also ...
Network and communications security is an important part of information security: a large portion of IT-related attacks are performed either using network connections or are directed at network ...
Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Paediatrics, Child Psychiatry, Pharmacology, Pathology, Clinical Biochemistry, Medical Genetics, Medical Ethics, Behavioural Sciences, Public Health, and General Practice.
This course provides an introduction to different astrophysical subjects with focus on the underlying physical processes, solving problems numerically and data analysis. Some examples include orbital ...
Ultrasound imaging is a technique used in medicine, sonar, non-destructive testing, and beyond. This course explains the fundamentals of acoustic imaging, beamforming, and ultrasound imaging modes.
Causal inference is the task of drawing conclusions from data about the effects of treatments and other type of interventions. In epidemiology and clinical research, as well as in many other fields, ...
The first part of this course is an introduction to the study of semantics on both word and sentence level. The second part gives insights into theories of language use, particularly the part of ...
The Enlightenment marks for many the birth of the Modern Age and evokes ideals of religious tolerance, political emancipation and human betterment. But how were such ideals expressed and what were ...
The course will provide an overview of the Nordic power grid and its expected development. The starting point is the set of physical laws that govern the power transfer in the grid. The course will ...
Computer vision is the study of how a machine, such as an unmanned system, can interpret and understand its surrounding environment using visual data such as images and video. This course will give an ...
Societies must transform to reduce their dependence on carbon-based energy sources and protect the environment. Such transitions must be just to reduce social and geographical inequality on both ...
The course is an introduction to developmental biology and genetics - in plants, animals and other relevant groups of organisms. We will use concepts and principles from genetics and epigenetics to ...