Tens of thousands converged on the city of Kragujevac for the latest in a series of student-led anti-corruption protests, while the Serbian president held a pro-government counter-rally in Sremska ...
Our selection of Premium stories from Balkan Insight is packed with action this week, featuring hard-fought elections, ...
Erion Veliaj’s arrest for alleged corruption, alongside his wife, has enraged the ruling Socialist Party – and could ...
Former Bosnian Serb officer Vidoje Blagojevic in the Hague Tribunal courtroom in 2007. Photo: EPA/Ed Oudenaarden. The Bosnian state prosecution on Friday requested the imposition of measures to ...
Tužilaštvo Bosne i Hercegovine zatražilo je određivanje mjera zabrane za Vidoja Blagojevića, ratnog komandanta brigade Vojske Republike Srpske (VRS), koji se nakon prethodne kazne zatvora za ...
Ish-oficeri serb i Bosnjës Vidoje Blagojeviç në sallën e gjyqit të Gjykatës së Hagës në vitin 2007. Foto: EPA/Ed Oudenaarden. Prokuroria shtetërore e Bosnjës kërkoi të premten ...
Prosecutors are investigating Omer Aras, head of Turkey’s largest business club, TUSIAD, after he suggested Turkey was 'demoralised' and that trust in the law risked collapsing. Omer Aras.
As political parties squabble over what to put on a possible new national coat-of-arms, some social media users have come up ...