Meet World's Most Venomous Marine Animal ...
According to the U.S. Drought Monitor County was in severe drought in September and the beginning of October this year.
Researchers from the University of California’s Davis and Berkeley campuses have identified a potential solution: activating two genes in rice egg cells that trigger their development into embryos ...
Have you ever wondered if there are animals that reproduce asexually? Sexual reproduction is by far the most common method of procreation in the animal kingdom. It’s been estimated that around 99% of ...
Pando, a massive aspen colony in Utah, is the largest living organism on Earth. It covers over 100 acres and weighs about 6,000 tons. All the trees in ...
UC researchers activated two genes, BBM1 and WOX9A, to enable asexual reproduction in rice, creating high-yielding clonal ...
The patches of lichen you've probably seen growing on tree trunks and park benches might be easy to overlook, but they're ...
This ordinary-looking species of gecko – the Bynoe’s gecko – has an extraordinary biological trait: they don’t have sex.
Forget snakes, it's scorpions Brazilians most need to worry about. The arachnids — feared for the toxic stinger poised atop their tails — are proliferating thanks to urbanisation and warming ...
The arachnids -- feared for the toxic stinger poised atop their tails -- are proliferating thanks to urbanization and warming temperatures.