Equinox marks the start of longer days and renewal, celebrated across cultures for balance, growth, and the natural rhythms ...
Indigenous rituals around the spring equinox have been practiced for generations. It's a celebration of the cycle of life. The death and decay of winter end with the first blossom of spring.
at one of the sites as well as 17 postholes for wooden posts aligned with spring and autumn equinoxes, suggesting the site could have been used for seasonal rituals linked to sowing or harvests.
The word equinox is made of the word ‘aequi’ meaning equal, and ‘nox’ which means night. They’re Latin words that are quite similar to the English we use nowadays. We have two of those equinoxes every ...
The fall equinox marks the migration into the fall season and is an opportunity to focus ... After you've allowed the time to let these messages in she says, "Enjoy some calming breaths to exit this ...