I t is a well-known fact among many that tabletop games are pretty expensive, especially among Warhammer 40K fans. Models of ...
Goatboy here roundiug out 2024. I want to talk about three 40K Detachments I felt were missing from this year's Advent ...
It all comes down to the Bio-ship known as the Narvhal. These bio-ships are small, innocuous, and have almost no weapons or armor. But they provide the entire fleet the ability to travel Faster Than ...
The third day of GW’s advent calendar of shiny new Warhammer 40k detachments is good news for the Tyranids, with the Warrior Bioform Onslaught joining the six codex ...
Even though Amazon MGM Studios secured the rights from Games Workshop to produce content around the Warhammer 40k IP in December 2022, there wasn’t any news on the topic because both companies hadn’t ...
Trust Games Workshop to hide the best Warhammer 40,000 reveal until just before Christmas - the Battlefield Trophies set is a ...
This mission pack allows you to play out a clash where Titus and his companions come up against a Tyranid swarm. On one side you have Titus, Gadriel and Chairon (you'll need to kitbash together his ...
Here's our guide on the Warhammer 40K starter sets ... constructing the featured miniatures and poring over the rules, our reviewer played Space Marine Adventures: Tyranid Attack!
Issues delivered straight to your door or device Year in Review | Who knew obliterating Tyranid scum could spark romance?