Underage drinking is a serious public health issue in the United States, with alcohol being the most widely used substance of ...
reports that underage drinking has continued a precipitous decline for the fourth year in a row. Researchers are still investigating why this may be the case, suspecting that the aftershocks of ...
Last week, news of underage football recruits drinking at a local bar brought publicity to one establishment while underage drinking has brought fines for others. Several underage recruits said they ...
But a new study in the journal Addictive Behaviors found that parents providing drinks — or even just letting underage kids taste alcohol — is linked to heavier drinking and alcohol-related ...
Pennsylvania saw a rise in underage drinking arrests in 2023, reaching their highest point since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Despite the increase, underage drinking arrests in 2023 remained ...
The Lake County Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services Board is partnering with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Underage Drinking Prevention ...
As a result, the Shreveport Police Department arrested five people during the festivities. Police say one of the main issues they focused on this year was underage drinking. Officials say more than 40 ...
Three counties in southeastern Pennsylvania were among the top 10 highest percentages of underage drinking offenses from 2019 to 2023, according to state officials. Chester County had about 7% ...