The Bhundri B.O Pin code is 142025 and it comes under Ludhiana moffusil Division which is located in Ludhiana district of Punjab State. The Bhundri Branch Post Office which comes under Punjab Postal ...
We are republishing this column first published by The Conversation on Aug. 18, 2020, in light of recent news President-elect ...
The U.S. Postal Service recently announced it will mail a postcard to the impacted Mauckport community, announcing a proposed relocation of the Mauckport Post Office. The post office was previously ...
The role of the United States Postal Service (USPS) is to bind the nation together by delivering to all Americans. It is ...
Next month, the Supreme Court will decide whether the federal government's potential ban of TikTok violates the First ...
Franklin and Greenfield are two of five Wisconsin communities that would be impacted. The others are Caledonia, Mount ...
ZIP codes tell USPS where to sort and deliver your mail and determine which communities get the tax revenue from online ...
In the email, Horn made the mayors aware of U.S. House Bill 8753, which directs the U.S. Postal Service to designate single unique ZIP codes to certain communities across the ... is taken up by the ...
The U.S. Postal Inspector Service is warning about a series of scams during the holiday season including "smishing." ...
Somers is among more than 30 other municipalities that could get its own zip code, if a bill that recently passed in the U.S.
Jolynn Shain pulls parcel packages onto a conveyor belt while working late at the United States Postal Service’s Fresno Mail ...
Multiple towns across Colorado's Front Range are close to obtaining their own unique zip codes after the "Zip Code Bill" ...