WhatsApp is also developing a new feature to translate channel updates into multiple languages, building on its chat message translation feature introduced earlier this year. According to ...
You’ll wake up to understanding how developments in news and business across the globe overnight impacts you and affects your work day ahead in the Asia Pacific. Weekdays 7am – 10am (SIN / HK) ...
Machine translation has become so reliable and ubiquitous so fast that many users no longer see it. The first computerised translations were attempted more than 70 years ago, when an IBM computer ...
At the Centre for Translation Studies (CTS), we are dedicated to cutting-edge research, scholarship and teaching in translation, interpreting and other forms of inter- and intra-lingual communication.
my grandmother first read out the Mahabharata to me in Kaliprasanna Singha’s Bengali translation from the original Sanskrit. I played hopscotch with languages as a child, skipping between ...
Michelle O’Neill, who is Sinn Fein’s vice president, was named first minister of the government in Northern Ireland in February. This would have been unheard-of less than three decades ago ...
In Searls’s account, which draws heavily on the work of the twentieth-century French theorist Antoine Berman, translation was first a matter of content, and only later a matter of form.
The code is six digits long. The first three digits of the PIN represent a specific geographical region called a sorting district that is headquartered at the main post office of the largest city ...