Winter time can lead to everything from dry skin to chapped lips, particularly in the brutal temperatures being experienced ...
DATING a young widower was going so well – until we had sex. Since then, he’s been very distant, and now I feel used and confused. The problem is I’ve fallen for him and worry he’s ...
V, the playwright formerly Eve Ensler, is hoping her new piece of theater can do for climate change what her “The Vagina Monologues” did for women’s rights. “We’re living in ...
My younger sister and I were close growing up. We didn't have many friends, but we were always willing to play games and have ...
With the doctor and your mom, clearly lay out your concerns about travel and ask for the doctor’s advice. Even if the doctor ...
DEAR ABBY: My younger sister and I were close growing up. We didn’t have many friends, but we were always willing to play ...
"I should also add that we live in Florida, and they are Northerners, and this invitation is never reciprocated." ...
The narrative that’s escalating conflict between the two of you might be one that people who hoard often hear: hoarding is ...
I recently realized that my sister-in-law has been kissing my boyfriend on the mouth every time she greets him. We all live in the same town and get ...
Lately, I have not been feeling so well in so many ways. My energy is off, and I think someone is out to get me. I am usually ...