Police in Australia said a woman was forced to fend off a deadly tiger snake in her vehicle while driving 50 miles per hour ...
Elke Maier was mauled by an unidentified shark during a horror beach attack in which the monster fish sank its teeth so deep ...
No casualties have been reported as fire engulfed Idumota Under-Bridge spare parts market, destroying goods and property ...
Kaua‘i authorities warned beachgoers after a 10-foot tiger shark was spotted near Kekaha Beach, leading to a temporary halt ...
Two horrifying recent tourist deaths in Australia’s favourite holiday destination have sparked serious safety questions.
Massive waves wiped out a group of men on the rocky shoreline near Sharks Cove on Oahu’s North Shore Friday. Matt Moore was ...
From Tiger Shark jaws displays to taxidermied cats in gowns, the showgrounds were transformed into a paradise for lovers of ...
A tourist experiences the worst vacation of his life. During a dive off the Maldives, a tiger shark bites him in the head. A video on Instagram shows the drama.
(马累30日讯)潜水天堂马尔代夫近日发生一起惊悚的潜水事故,一名45岁中国女游客在浮潜时,疑似违规使用诱饵,被鲨鱼“啃头狂甩”,她拚命挣扎的模样让人看了为她捏一把冷汗,所幸鲨鱼几秒后就松口离开,女子幸运躲过死劫,送院缝了超过40针。综合外媒报导,事件 ...
A mid-week press release from Ford citing in-house research that showed "sixty percent of Australian drivers would be more ...
One diver came close to death when a shark decided to try and bite their head off in a video that has been leaving people ...
Amid the havoc of Helene and Milton, legions of animal lovers turned to social media to follow marine animals' voyages.