The Samsung Galaxy Ring was launched in India at Rs. 38,999. While the price on the company's website remains the same, customers can use the coupon code "GALAXYRING," to get a Rs. 10,000 discount ( ...
The BANF System gathers data on tire pressure and temperature, tire wear, wheel alignment, lug nuts status, tire load and road conditions in real-time, Lee said. It uses artificial intelligence (AI) ...
Once the shock of the cold water wears off, you transition to the comfort of a heated chair, which soothes your body, improves circulation, and eases any muscles that are still tight. In addition to ...
There have been instances when we've nearly had a heart attack due to the fear that our phones would be rendered useless if we dropped them in the toilet or they got wet in the rain. Thankfully ...
HONOR unveils game-changing AI-powered HONOR X9c smartphone in SAMeet the game-changing HONOR X9c, South Africa’s first mid-range device that brings flagship-level AI capabilities.Issued by ...